• General

    Script File Extensions: File extensions which identify scripts to be displayed in the schema browser, Files Browser and file dialogs
    Display Server Type: Display server type [Production/Development/Test] on server node
    Initially expand top level folder: Expand top level folder in schema tree at application startup
    Prompt on Reconnect: Determines if the user is prompted for confirmation to reconnect when user requests a reconnection toolbar action.
    ’;’ Statement separator: In SQL Scripts, interpret ’;’ at end of line as statement separator. NOTE: Enabling this feature may cause issues with PL/SQL, Transact-SQL and Procedure DDL statements.
    '/' Statement separator: In SQL Scripts, interpret '/' on an empty line as a statement separator
    '/' at End of Line Terminates Statement: In SQL Scripts, interpret '/' at end of line as statement separator.
    '@' at End of Line Terminates Statement: In SQL Scripts, interpret '@' at end of line as statement separator.
    Save Passwords (Default): Save passwords when registering a server (Default).
    Disable Password Saving: When enabled, this option prevents the user from saving the server password.
    Application Scope Maximum Results: The maximum results returned by Query Analyzer, Table Data Editor and Query Builder regardless of the user specified settings. If the user specified maximum in the tool is greater then this option, then this option will be used. -1 indicates unlimited.
    Enable Server Directory Mount: This setting indicates whether the user can mount remote server connection directories.
    SQL Server quoted_identifier (Default): The default value for quoted_identifier when registering a SQL Server server.
    Sybase quoted_identifier (Default): The default value for quoted identifier when registering a Sybase server.
    Disable Drag and Drop in Editor: Controls whether moving text inside the editor window is allowed via drag and drop gestures.
    Query Window Divider Size: Adjust the size of the Query Window divider to make it easier to grip.
    Tree Panel Focus on Show Tree Panel: Switch focus to the Tree Panel immediately when it is revealed.
    Prompt to discard changes in Visual Editing dialogs: Determines whether the user is prompted to discard any changes when the user closes the dialog.
    Use floating windows for Visual Editing dialogs: Determines whether Visual Editing dialogs windows will be a floating window or a docked tab.
    Default Spreadsheet Format: Determines the default spreadsheet format.
    Default Spreadsheet Font: Determines the default spreadsheet font.
    Execute Trimmed Statement in Scripts: Statements in SQL Scripts will have trailing spaces, line feeds and carriage returns removed before execution.
    Connection Pool Ideal Size: Determines the ideal size of a server's managed Connection Pool.
    Maximum content size for code insight (K): Files exceeding the specified number of characters will have code insight features such as automatic code folding and automatic tag completion disabled. Set this value to 0 to always enable code insight regardless of content size.
    Maximum content size for code completion (K): Files exceeding the specified number of characters will have features such as auto completion, punctuation completion, indent guides and brace highlighting disabled. Set this value to 0 to always enable such features regardless of content size.
    Editor Encoding (Default): Specifies the default encoding to use for new editors. Also specifies the default encoding to use for existing files if the content does not contain BOM characters and UTF characters, and the encoding is not explicitly defined in the content, such as an XML file.
    Editor Undo Limit: Specifies the undo limit for editors. You can change the limit to another value between 100 and 1000.

Application Options - General

Application Options - General - Appearance

Application Options - General - Appearance - Date Time Format

Application Options - General - Workspace

Application Options - General - Query Windows

Application Options - General - Chart

Application Options - General - Scripting

Application Options - General - History

Application Options - General - Describe

Application Options - General - Execution Monitor

Application Options - General - Parameterized Scripts

  • Appearance

    Look and Feel: Look and Feel used by the application.
    Editor Font: The font used by the Editors, including in the Query Analyzer.
    Text Results Font: The font used by the Text Results panel in the Query Analyzer.
    Grid Results Font: The font used by the Grid Results in the Query Analyzer, Query Builder and Visual Analytics. 
    Visual Analytics Font: The font used by the Visual Analytics.
    Change font size (Zoom) with Ctrl+Mouse Wheel: When enabled, change the font size (zoom) in the active editor by pressing Ctrl and rotating the mouse wheel.
    Use Anti-aliased Text in Editors: Forces anti-aliased text rendering in editors.
    Display Splash Screen: Determines whether the splash screen is displayed at startup.
    Interface Language: Select user interface language.
    Date Format: Specifies date format.
    Time Format: Specifies time format.
    Date/Time Format: Specifies date/time format.
    Decimal Separator: Specifies the decimal separator symbol. 
  • Workspace

    Behavior of window close button: Select what happens when you click on the main window Close button.
    Restore windows and tabs: Restore windows and tabs arrangement on the next start.
    Confirm exit of application: Display a confirmation dialog before the application exits.
    Enable Ctrl-TAB Document Cycling: Enables Ctrl-TAB for cycling through documents
    Enable Document Tab Navigation: Enables selection of a document tab with Alt-1, Alt-2,... keyboard shortcuts.
    Save files on exit without prompting: Save all modified files on exit of application without prompting.
  • Query Windows

    Do not prompt to save for new scripts: Determines whether the application will prompt the user to save a modified query window when closing the window.
    Reuse editor tab: Double click on a tree to open file in the current editor tab.
    MultiTab Query Window: Determines whether the Query Window arranges the editor and results in a split pane or multitab pane.
    Prompt for commit when auto-commit is OFF: Determines whether the application will prompt the user to commit if rows are modified and auto-commit is not enabled.
    Changeable Oracle Schema: Determines whether the Query Window allows the user to change the schema context of the connection in the toolbar for Oracle connections.
    Changeable DB2 Schema: Determines whether the Query Window allows the user to change the schema context of the connection in the toolbar for DB2 connections.
    Changeable DB2 iSeries Schema: Determines whether the Query Window allows the user to change the schema context of the connection in the toolbar for DB2 iSeries connections.
    Changeable DB2 z/OS Schema: Determines whether the Query Window allows the user to change the schema context of the connection in the toolbar for DB2 z/OS connections.
    Changeable Apache Derby Schema: Determines whether the Query Window allows the user to change the schema context of the connection in the toolbar for Apache Derby connections.
    Initial Context Schema Selection: Determines if the initial schema context of query window is based on the context of the schema browser.
    Permission Failure Message: This custom message is displayed if a query fails local permissions.
    Show File Name: Determines whether to display the file name on the query window tab.
    Hide Results on Open: When enabled, new query window opens with the results pane initially hidden.
    Highlight Production Server Tab: Determines color used for border and document tab of query window for production server types.
    Highlight Development Server Tab: Determines color used for border and document tab of query window for development server types
    Highlight Test Server Tab: Determines color used for border and document tab of query window for test server types.
    Query Completion Sound: Select an audio file to play when a query completes.
    Query Completion Sound Time Threshold: Determines the minimum amount of time a query must run to play the completion the sound, in seconds.
    Auto-reconnect on execution if connection is closed: When executing a query and the data source connection is closed, try to auto-reconnect to the data source. (Is not available for Hive, Apache Cassandra and VoltDB due to limitations in their JDBC drivers.)
    Set new Query Window name to object name on scripting: The query window's name will be set to the object's type and name as: [object type] - [object name]
  • Chart

    Support Charts: Enables support for Charts in the Query Analyzer and Visual Analytics.
    Enable Anti-Aliasing: Enables anti-aliasing for chart rendering
    Enable Background: Enables chart background.
    Enable performance debug information: Enables performance debug information
    Anti-aliasing Sample Count: Specifies the number of samples used when anti-aliasing
    Buffer size: Determines the size of Offscreen Rendering Buffer to be allocated
    Offscreen Rendering: Defines configuration of the Offscreen Renderer
    Visual Analytics Offscreen Rendering: Defines configuration of the Offscreen Renderer for Visual Analytics.
    Text Renderer: Specifies the type of renderer used to draw text labels
  • Scripting

    Indentation: Number of space identations when generating DDL scripts
    Statement Separator: Statement separator to use when generating DDL scripts
    Script DROP on CREATE: Determines whether script CREATE will also contain a DROP before the CREATE
    Script GRANT on CREATE: Determines whether script CREATE will include GRANT permissions after the CREATE
    Format SELECT script when scripting: Determines whether SELECT scripts are formatted with the SQL Formatter
    Use Conditional DROP DDL for Tables: Drop DDL scripting will use condition statements when possible
  • History

    Maximum Number Entries in SQL History: Maximum number of SQL statement executions stored for by SQL History
    Maximum Number Statements per Entry: Maximum number of SQL statements per History Entry
    Enable SQL History Archiving: Determines if SQL History is archived or deleted
    Maximum Number of Entries in SQL Archive: Maximum number of SQL statement executions stored in SQL Archive
    Archive Cleanup Period (minutes): Time period in minutes between SQL Archive cleanup sweeps
    Enable Table Data Editing SQL History: Determines whether History of SQL Statements for the Table Data Editor is saved
    Enable Visual Editing SQL History: Determines whether History of SQL Statements for Visual Editing is saved
    Specify History Directory: Determines in what directory SQL History will be saved
    Specify Archive Directory: Determines in what directory archived SQL History will be saved
  • Describe

    IInclude Indexes: Includes indexes in the summary when describe is called.
    Include Permissions: Includes permissions in the summary when describe is called.
  • Execution Monitor

    Query Warning Time: Sets the time duration at which the user is warned for a running query, in seconds
    Query Stop Time: Sets the time duration at which the running query is automatically stopped, in seconds
    Query Snooze Time: Sets the default time addition to snooze the stopping of a query, in seconds
    Query Max Snooze Time: Sets the maximum amount of time a user can snooze a query, in seconds
    Enable Execution Monitor for Table Data Editor: Enables the Execution Monitor for Table Data Editor query execution
  • Parameterized Scripts

    DateTime Tag: Parameterized script macro tag for datetime
    Date Tag: Parameterized script macro tag for date
    Time Tag: Parameterized script macro tag for time
    DateTime at Midnight Tag: Parameterized script macro tag for datetime at midnight
    Prompt for parameter values: Prompt for parameter values even when all default values are set