Table Data Editor

  •  Table Data Editor

    Transactions Required for Table Data Editor: Determines whether the Table Data Editor requires transactions. NOTE: If this is set to false, the Table Data Editor can’t guarantee single row modifications for row updates.
    Paste Transforms (null) String into NULL: Allows insertion of a NULL value when pasting a (null) string from the clipboard
    Prompt for Ambiguous Columns: If this value is true, the user will be prompted to identify the ambiguous columns, otherwise those columns will be read-only.
    Transform Zero Length String into NULL: Determines whether a zero-length string is replaced with NULL
    TOP default size: TOP size selection when selecting Table Date Editor in schema browser.
    Prompt user for TOP size: Prompt user for TOP size when selecting Table Data Editor in schema browser.
    Statement separator: Statement separator to use when generating DML scripts
    • Transaction

      Transaction Type: Determines the transaction method applied to executed statements
      Batch Size: Determines number of statements per transaction. [Transaction Type: Batch]
      Threshold: Determines time limit threshold per transaction, milliseconds. [Transaction Type: Threshold]
      Wait Time: Determines the amount of time to wait between transactions, milliseconds. [-1 = Disabled]

    • Transaction Log Monitor [Sybase ASE Log Monitor]

      Log Used Threshold: Determines the % of the Transaction Log used that will trigger a transaction wait time period. [-1 = Disabled]
      Log Used Wait Time: Determines the amount of time to wait between transactions when the Transaction Log Used has exceeded the usage threshold (in milliseconds).

  • Modification Logs

    Enabled: Determines if modification logs are enabled
    Logs Location: Location where the modification logs are stored.
    Maximum Modification Logs: Maximum number of logs stored on disk before logs are truncated; no limit if negative

Table Data Editor Options

Procedure Editor

  • Package Editor: Compile header & body when compiling

    Determines if both the header & body are compiled when compile is executed

Procedure Editor Options

SQL Editor

    • General

      Highlight Matching Brace: Highlight bracket that matches the bracket before the insertion point
      Highlight Caret Row: Highlight row where the insertion point is.
      Highlight Caret Row Color: Highlight caret row color.
      Status Bar Visible: Determines if the status bar (showing insert mode, line number, and so on) is displayed at the bottom of the window
      Display Text Limit Line: Determines if the text limit line is displayed.
      Text Limit Character Count: Determines the character count after which the text limit line is displayed.
      Editor Foreground Color: The foreground color for the Query Editor and results.
      Editor Background Color: The background color for the Query Editor and results.
      Highlighted Text Foreground: Highlighted text foreground color.
      Highlighted Text Background: Highlighted text background color.
      Search Match Text Background: Highlighted search match background
      Matching Braces Background: The color used to match highlighting braces
      Caret Blink Rate: How fast the caret blinks.
      Caret Style: Caret Point Style.
      Caret Color: The color of editor caret.
      Line Separators for New Files: Specify which line separator is to be used for new files.
      Inline Diff Sidebar: Determines whether versioning inline difference sidebar is enabled
      Show Code Folding Outline: Check this option if you want the code folding toggles to be shown in the editor. Uncheck this option to hide the toggles.
      Show Code Lens on Scrollbar Hover: Shows the source code fragment when the mouse pointer is over the scroll bar.
      Insert Pair Bracket: When an opening bracket is typed, automatically adds a closing bracket
      Insert Pair Quote: When an opening quote is typed, automatically adds a closing quote
      Insert Pair '}' on Pressing Enter: When Enter is pressed in an empty line, automatically positions a closing brace } at the proper column
      Auto Indent: Keep indents on empty lines

    • Tabs

      Expand Tabs: Determines whether a TAB is expanded to spaces or whether a real TAB is used
      Number of Spaces Per Tab: Number of spaces to expand in a TAB if Expand Tab is enabled
      Tab Size: The display size in characters of a TAB

    • Auto Completion

      Auto Popup: Code completion window automatically appears when appropriate.
      Auto Popup Delay: How long to wait (in milliseconds) before automatically popping up the completion window.
      Instant Substitution: Code completion performs instant substitution if the search result contains only one item.
      Global Cache: Enables caching of completion information globally
      Include Synonyms in Completion: Enables synonyms in auto completion
      Include Public Schema in Completion: Enables the public schema in auto completion
      Case Sensitive Matching: Indicates the option to take into consideration the case sensitivity when suggesting matches for auto-completion.

    • Syntax Color

      Enabled: Determines whether Syntax Coloring is enabled
      Enable Bold: Enables bold font for keywords
      SQL 92/99 Keywords: The color used for standard SQL 92 and 99 keywords
      Vendor Keywords: The color used for vendor-specific keywords
      Numerics: The color used for numbers
      Data Types: The color used for database specific data types
      System Functions: The color used for database specific system functions
      System Tables: The color used for database system tables
      Quoted Strings: The color used for single quoted strings
      Comments: The color used for commented text
      Aqua Commands: The color used for aqua commands

    • Abbreviations

      Abbreviation: The combination of characters used to trigger autocompletion of the Expanded Text
      Expanded Text: The text autocompleted when triggered by the abbreviation and following Expand On keystroke(s).
      Description: User-defined description of the Abbreviation’s functionality within the code.
      Expand on: Determines the key combination that expands the abbreviation.
      : Adds new abbreviation.
      : Removes existing abbreviation.
      : Moves abbreviation one place up in the abbreviation list.
      : Moves abbreviation one place down in the abbreviation list. 
      : Creates a copy of an existing abbreviation.  

SQL Editor Options

SQL Editor Options - General - Autocompletion
SQL Editor Options - Syntax Coloring - Tabs
SQL Editor Abbreviation Options

Text Editor

    • General

      Highlight Matching Bracket: Highlight bracket that matches the bracket before the insertion point
      Highlight Caret Row: Highlight row where the insertion point is
      Highlight Caret Row Color: Highlight caret row color
      Status Bar Visible: Determines if the status bar (showing insert mode, line number, and so on) is displayed at the bottom of the window
      Display Text Limit Line: Determines if the text limit line is displayed
      Text Limit Character Count: Determines the character count after which the text limit line is displayed.
      Editor Foreground Color: The foreground color for the Query Editor and results
      Editor Background Color: The background color for the Query Editor and results
      Highlighted Text Foreground: Highlighted text foreground color
      Highlighted Text Background: Highlighted text background color
      Search Match Text Background: Highlighted search match background
      Matching Braces Background: The color used to match highlighting braces
      Caret Blink Rate: How fast the caret blinks
      Caret Style: Caret Point Style
      Caret Color : The color of the caret
      Line Separators for New Files: Specify which line separator is to be used for new files.
      Inline Diff Sidebar: Determines whether versioning inline difference sidebar is enabled
      Show Code Lens on Scrollbar Hover: Shows the source code fragment when the mouse pointer is over the scroll bar
      Insert Pair Bracket: When an opening bracket is typed, automatically adds a closing bracket
      Insert Pair Quote: When an opening quote is typed, automatically adds a closing quote
      Insert Pair '}' on Pressing Enter: When Enter is pressed in an empty line, automatically positions a closing brace } at the proper column
      Auto Indent: Keep indents on empty lines
    • Tabs

      Expand Tabs: Determines whether a TAB is expanded to spaces or whether a real TAB is used
      Number of Spaces Per Tab: Number of spaces to expand in a TAB if Expand Tab is enabled
      Tab Size: The display size in characters of a TAB

  • Abbreviations

    Abbreviation: The combination of characters used to trigger autocompletion of the Expanded Text
    Expanded Text: The text autocompleted when triggered by the abbreviation and following Expand On keystroke(s).
    Description: User-defined description of the Abbreviation’s functionality within the code.
    Expand on: Determines the key combination that expands the abbreviation.
    : Adds new abbreviation.
    : Removes existing abbreviation.
    : Moves abbreviation one place up in the abbreviation list.
    : Moves abbreviation one place down in the abbreviation list. 
    : Creates a copy of an existing abbreviation.  

Text Editor Options

Text Editor Abbreviation Options

HTML Editor

    • General

      Highlight Matching Bracket: Highlight bracket that matches the bracket before the insertion point
      Highlight Caret Row: Highlight row where the insertion point is
      Highlight Caret Row Color: Highlight caret row color
      Status Bar Visible: Determines if the status bar (showing insert mode, line number, and so on) is displayed at the bottom of the window
      Display Text Limit Line: Determines if the text limit line is displayed
      Text Limit Character Count: Determines the character count after which the text limit line is displayed.
      Editor Foreground Color: The background color for the Query Editor and results
      Editor Background Color: The background color for the Query Editor and results
      Highlighted Text Foreground: Highlighted text foreground
      Highlighted Text Background: Highlighted text background
      Search Match Text Background: Highlighted search match background
      Matching Braces Background: The color used to match highlighting braces.
      Caret Blink Rate: How fast the caret blinks
      Caret Style: Caret Point Style
      Caret Color: The color of the editor caret
      Line Separators for New Files: Specify which line separator is to be used for new files.
      Inline Diff Sidebar: Determines whether versioning inline difference sidebar is enabled.
      HTML Tag Navigation Bar: Determines whether HTML Tag Navigation Bar is enabled
      Show Code Folding Outline: Check this option if you want the code folding toggles to be shown in the editor. Uncheck this option to hide the toggles.
      Show Code Lens on Scrollbar Hover: Shows the source code fragment when the mouse pointer is over the scroll bar.
      Auto Indent: Keep indents on empty lines

    • Tabs

      Expand Tabs: Determines whether a TAB is expanded to spaces or whether a real TAB is used
      Number of Spaces Per Tab: Number of spaces to expand in a TAB if Expand Tab is enabled
      Tab Size: The display size in characters of a TAB

  • Abbreviations

    Abbreviation: The combination of characters used to trigger autocompletion of the Expanded Text
    Expanded Text: The text autocompleted when triggered by the abbreviation and following Expand On keystroke(s).
    Description: User-defined description of the Abbreviation’s functionality within the code.
    Expand on: Determines the key combination that expands the abbreviation.
    : Adds new abbreviation.
    : Removes existing abbreviation.
    : Moves abbreviation one place up in the abbreviation list.
    : Moves abbreviation one place down in the abbreviation list. 
    : Creates a copy of an existing abbreviation.  

HTML Editor Options

HTML Editor Abbreviation Options

XML Editor

    • General

      Highlight Matching Bracket: Highlight bracket that matches the bracket before the insertion point
      Highlight Caret Row: Highlight row where the insertion point is
      Highlight Caret Row Color: Highlight caret row color
      Status Bar Visible: Determines if the status bar (showing insert mode, line number, and so on) is displayed at the bottom of the window
      Display Text Limit Line: Determines if the text limit line is displayed
      Text Limit Character Count: Determines the character count after which the text limit line is displayed.
      Editor Foreground Color: The foreground color for the Query Editor and results
      Editor Background Color: The background color for the Query Editor and results
      Highlighted Text Foreground: Highlighted text foreground
      Highlighted Text Background: Highlighted text background
      Search Match Text Background: Highlighted search match background
      Matching Braces Background: The color used to match highlighting braces
      Caret Blink Rate: How fast the caret blinks
      Caret Style: Caret Point Style
      Caret Color: The color of editor caret
      Line Separators for New Files: Specify which line separator is to be used for new files.
      Inline Diff Sidebar: Determines whether versioning inline difference sidebar is enabled
      Show Code Folding Outline: Check this option if you want the code folding toggles to be shown in the editor. Uncheck this option to hide the toggles.
      Show Code Lens on Scrollbar Hover: Shows the source code fragment when the mouse pointer is over the scroll bar.
      Auto Indent: Keep indents on empty lines

    • Tabs

      Expand Tabs: Determines whether a TAB is expanded to spaces or whether a real TAB is used
      Number of Spaces Per Tab: Number of spaces to expand in a TAB if Expand Tab is enabled
      Tab Size: The display size in characters of a TAB

  • Abbreviations

    Abbreviation: The combination of characters used to trigger autocompletion of the Expanded Text
    Expanded Text: The text autocompleted when triggered by the abbreviation and following Expand On keystroke(s).
    Description: User-defined description of the Abbreviation’s functionality within the code.
    Expand on: Determines the key combination that expands the abbreviation.
    : Adds new abbreviation.
    : Removes existing abbreviation.
    : Moves abbreviation one place up in the abbreviation list.
    : Moves abbreviation one place down in the abbreviation list. 
    : Creates a copy of an existing abbreviation.  

XML Editor Options

XML Editor Abbreviation Options

Java Editor

    • General

      Highlight Matching Bracket: Highlight bracket that matches the bracket before the insertion point
      Highlight Caret Row: Highlight row where the insertion point is
      Highlight Caret Row Color: Highlight caret row color
      Status Bar Visible: Determines if the status bar (showing insert mode, line number, and so on) is displayed at the bottom of the window.
      Display Text Limit Line: Determines if the text limit line is displayed
      Text Limit Character Count: Determines the character count after which the text limit line is displayed.
      Editor Foreground Color: The foreground color for the Query Editor and results
      Editor Background Color: The background color for the Query Editor and results
      Highlighted Text Foreground: Highlighted text foreground
      Highlighted Text Background: Highlighted text background
      Search Match Text Background: Highlighted search match background
      Matching Braces Background: The color used to match highlighting braces
      Caret Blink Rate: How fast the caret blinks
      Caret Style: Caret Point Style
      Caret Color: The color of editor caret
      Line Separators for New Files: Specify which line separator is to be used for new files.
      Inline Diff Sidebar: Determines whether versioning inline difference sidebar is enabled
      Show Code Folding Outline: Check this option if you want the code folding toggles to be shown in the editor. Uncheck this option to hide the toggles.
      Show Code Lens on Scrollbar Hover: Shows the source code fragment when the mouse pointer is over the scroll bar
      Insert Pair Bracket: When an opening bracket is typed, automatically adds a closing bracket
      Insert Pair Quote: When an opening quote is typed, automatically adds a closing quote
      Insert Pair '}' on Pressing Enter: When Enter is pressed in an empty line, automatically positions a closing brace } at the proper column
      Auto Indent: Keep indents on empty lines
    • Tabs

      Expand Tabs: Determines whether a TAB is expanded to spaces or whether a real TAB is used
      Number of Spaces Per Tab: Number of spaces to expand in a TAB if Expand Tab is enabled
      Tab Size: The display size in characters of a TAB

  • Abbreviations

    Abbreviation: The combination of characters used to trigger autocompletion of the Expanded Text
    Expanded Text: The text autocompleted when triggered by the abbreviation and following Expand On keystroke(s).
    Description: User-defined description of the Abbreviation’s functionality within the code.
    Expand on: Determines the key combination that expands the abbreviation.
    : Adds new abbreviation.
    : Removes existing abbreviation.
    : Moves abbreviation one place up in the abbreviation list.
    : Moves abbreviation one place down in the abbreviation list. 
    : Creates a copy of an existing abbreviation.  

Java Editor Options

Java Editor Abbreviation Options

Javascript Editor / AquaScript Editor

    • General

      Highlight Matching Bracket: Highlight bracket that matches the bracket before the insertion point
      Highlight Caret Row: Highlight row where the insertion point is
      Highlight Caret Row Color: Highlight caret row color
      Status Bar Visible: Determines if the status bar (showing insert mode, line number, and so on) is displayed at the bottom of the window
      Display Text Limit Line: Determines if the text limit line is displayed
      Text Limit Character Count: Determines the character count after which the text limit line is displayed.
      Editor Foreground Color: The foreground color for the Query Editor and results
      Editor Background Color: The background color for the Query Editor and results
      Highlighted Text Foreground: Highlighted text foreground
      Highlighted Text Background: Highlighted text background
      Search Match Text Background: Highlighted search match background
      Matching Braces Background: The color used to match highlighting braces
      Caret Blink Rate: How fast the caret blinks
      Caret Point: Caret Point Style
      Caret Color: The color of the editor caret
      Line Separators for New Files: Specify which line separator is to be used for new files.
      Inline Diff Sidebar: Determines whether versioning inline difference sidebar is enabled
      Show Code Folding Outline: Check this option if you want the code folding toggles to be shown in the editor. Uncheck this option to hide the toggles.
      Show Code Lens on Scrollbar Hover: Shows the source code fragment when the mouse pointer is over the scroll bar.
      Insert Pair Bracket: When an opening bracket is typed, automatically adds a closing bracket
      Insert Pair Quote: When an opening quote is typed, automatically adds a closing quote
      Insert Pair '}' on Pressing Enter: When Enter is pressed in an empty line, automatically positions a closing brace } at the proper column
      Auto Indent: Keep indents on empty lines

    • Tabs

      Expand Tabs: Determines whether a TAB is expanded to spaces or whether a real TAB is used
      Number of Spaces Per Tab: Number of spaces to expand in a TAB if Expand Tab is enabled
      Tab Size: The display size in characters of a TAB

    • Abbreviations

      Abbreviation: The combination of characters used to trigger autocompletion of the Expanded Text
      Expanded Text: The text autocompleted when triggered by the abbreviation and following Expand On keystroke(s).
      Description: User-defined description of the Abbreviation’s functionality within the code.
      Expand on: Determines the key combination that expands the abbreviation.
      : Adds new abbreviation.
      : Removes existing abbreviation.
      : Moves abbreviation one place up in the abbreviation list.
      : Moves abbreviation one place down in the abbreviation list. 
      : Creates a copy of an existing abbreviation.  

  • AquaScript Editor

    Maximum Number of Lines in Console: Determines the maximum number of text lines in the console.
  • Auto Completion

    Enabled: Determines whether AquaScript Auto-completion is enabled.
    Auto Popup: Code completion window automatically appears when appropriate.
    Auto Popup Delay: How long to wait (in milliseconds) before automatically popping up the completion window.
    Instant Substitution: Code completion performs instant substitution if the search result contains only one item.
    Case Sensitive Matching: Indicates the option to take into consideration the case sensitivity when suggesting matches for auto-completion.

Javascript Editor Options

Javascript Editor Abbreviation Options
AquaScript Editor Options
AquaScript Editor Auto-Completion Options