
    • General

      Align results tabs at the bottom: Determines whether results tabs are aligned at the top or at the bottom of the results area.
      Use thousands separator for record count: Indicates whether to use the thousands separator when displaying the record count.

    • Script Execution

      Stop on error: Stop executing statements after a failed query.

    • Data Retrieval

      Convert binary to hex: Convert binary data results to hex.
      Hex conversion to lower: Convert binary data results to hex in lower case. If de-selected results will be in upper case.
      Maximum BLOB Blocks: Maximum number of 8k blocks to retrieve from BLOB values
      Maximum CLOB Lines: Maximum number of lines to retrieve from CLOB values
      Right trim spaces on ’char’ and ’nchar’ datatypes: Enables the trimming of spaces from the right on ’char’ and ’nchar’ datatypes.

    • Syntax Color

      Enabled: Determines whether Syntax Coloring is enabled.
      SQL Statements: The color used for SQL Statements.
      SQL Errors: The color used for SQL error messages.

    • Status Panel Color

      Enabled: Determines whether Message Panel Coloring is enabled.
      Status Panel Errors: Background: The background color used for SQL error messages on the message panel.
      Status Panel Errors: Foreground: The foreground color used for SQL error messages on the message panel.
      Status Panel Warnings: Background: The background color used for SQL warning messages on the message panel.
      Status Panel Warnings: Foreground: The foreground color used for SQL warning messages on the message panel.

    • Save Results

      Maximum string length saved for Excel Worksheet: The number of characters that can be stored and displayed in a cell formatted as Text

    • Text Results

      Maximum column length: Maximum length of characters to display per column
      Display SQL Statement: Determines whether the SQL statements are displayed for each query.
      Display column headers: Display Column Headers when outputting text results
      Display query statistics: Determines whether the statistics are displayed for each query. (ALT-SHIFT-R)
      Display warnings: Determines whether the warning messages are displayed.
      Display warning headers: Determines whether the warning headers are displayed along with the warning messages.
      Always display ’records affected’ count: The ’records affected’ is always displayed on queries even if ’Display query statistics’ are off.
      Display only the total number of affected records: Displays only the total number of records affected by the query.
      Margin character length: Number of spaces to margin the results.
      Maximum Number of lines in Text History: Maximum number of lines in the Text History results.
      Read only: Determines whether the results pane is editable. This option is applicable to Text Results and Text History.
                       Text Results - Changes to Read only option is applied on subsequent execution of query.                  Text History - Changes to Read only option is applied only for new Query Analyzer window. 

    • Message Results

      Message results type: Determines in what format the message results are displayed. Auto will choose the format based on the number of query results returned in the script execution.
      Clear message results before execute: Determines whether to clear the message results tab before executing a statement or script.
      Maximum Number of Message Lines: Maximum number of lines in the Messages results.
      Enable undo: Enables the ability to undo in Message Results. For this setting to be applicable, Read-only must be off.
      Read only: Determines whether the Message results pane is editable. Changes to Read only option is applied only for new Query Analyzer window.

    • Grid Results

      Persist sort across execution: Determines whether grid result table retains sorting.
      Persist quick filter across execution: Determines whether grid result table retains quick filter.
      Alternate row colors: Alternate the row colors of the grid results.
      Alternate row foreground: Sets the alternate row foreground color
      Alternate row background: Sets the alternate row background color
      Clipboard Copy as default format: Determines whether Copy to clipboard will copy numeric values as the full value in the default format.
      Pinning: Determines whether grid results can be pinned.
      Auto Pinning: If pinning is enabled, determines whether each newly created grid result is automatically pinned or not. The number value specifies the maximum number of pinned tabs allowed in a single Query Analyzer window. Once the maximum is reached, the oldest Pinned tab will be removed. [-1 = Auto Pinning Disabled]. [0 = Unlimited Pinned Tabs].
      Specify View as Spreadsheet Directory: Determines in what directory spreadsheet will be saved.
      Maximum number of column allowed: Determines in what directory spreadsheet will be saved