
    • General

      Show Options Dialog: Whether the Options Dialog will be shown before formatting

    • Line Break

      Before Comma: Adds a line break before the comma
      After Comma: Adds a line break after the comma
      Before Logical Operators: Adds a line break before logical operators (e.g. AND, OR)
      After Logical Operators: Adds a line break before logical operators (e.g. AND, OR)
      After SQL Keywords: Adds a line break after SQL keywords (e.g. SELECT, FROM, WHERE)
      Break for CASE Keywords: Adds line breaks for CASE keywords (i.e. CASE, WHEN, THEN, ELSE, END)
      Break for Brackets: Adds line breaks for brackets in AND, OR and WHEN
      Wrap Line: Wraps line automatically
      Line Wrap Column: The maximum column before line wraps

    • Uppercase

      SQL Keywords: Turns SQL keywords uppercase
      Full SQL: Turns the full SQL statement uppercase

  • Indentation

    Number of spaces per Tab: Number of spaces to expand in a TAB if Tabs are used for indentation
    Use Tabs for Indentation: Determines whether a real TAB is used or whether a TAB is expanded to spaces
    Alignment on Operators: Alignment on =, <, > and AS
    Alignment on JOIN: Alignment on table joins

Formatter Options