
E-mail options are for use in AquaScripts, so that the settings within the options may be used when a script is designed to send or receive emails. Also, email settings are used in the Scheduled Tasks tool to send or receive emails with the results of the tasks.

  • SMTP Server

    SMTP Server: The address of the SMTP server.
    SMTP Port: The port of the SMTP server.
    SMTP Username: The username of the account on the SMTP server.
    SMTP Password: The password of the account on the SMTP server.
    SMTP Use SSL: Connect to SMTP server using SSL.
    SMTP Use Authentication: SMTP server requires user/pass Authentication.
  • E-mail Queue

    Enable queue: Enable the email queue. Emails will not be accepted when the queue is disabled.
    Pause queue: Pause the email queue. Queued emails will not be sent to the email server when the queue is paused.
    Archive queue: Archive the email queue. A copy of each delivered email is saved when the queue is archived.
  • E-mail Defaults

    From: Sender email address.
    Cc: An email address or a list of comma separated email addresses for carbon copy (CC:) recipient(s).
    Bcc: An email address or a list of comma separated email addresses for blind carbon copy (BCC:) recipient(s).

Make sure that when using a google email account (Gmail) you enable the third-party apps access and allow Aqua Data Studio to send emails with your account.

When first trying to send an email with your Gmail account you may get the following message:

For more information head to this page on how to turn on access for less secure apps on Gmail.