On the top section of the Operations list, you can find the following options:

You can define how many jobs you want to view per page. Go to the bottom section of the tab and type the number of jobs you want to see per page.
Take into account that Read-only users can only access a read-only view of the job properties. Only Administrators and Guest-users can add/edit jobs or add/edit job chains.

How do you reschedule jobs?

SQL Enterprise Job Manager allows you to reschedule jobs, tasks, and job chains by dragging and dropping the scheduled ones to new time slots. 

For example, to reschedule a job, click over the scheduled job, drag it, and drop it on your required new time slot.

Keep in mind that SQL Enterprise Job Manager creates a new one-time occurrence job on the time slot where you dropped the job. If the job you selected to reschedule has a recurring schedule, SQL Enterprise Job Manager creates a one-time occurrence on the new time slot and adjust its schedule so that the recurrence remains unaltered.

Keep in mind:

  • Dragging and dropping to reschedule a job, task, or job chain is only available in the Day and Week views.
  • You cannot reschedule past jobs or move any scheduled job to a past date.
  • When you reschedule a job and you change to different views, the changes of the rescheduled job will not be updated until the collector runs or you manually refresh the data.

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