For further detailed requirements, see Precise minimum requirements for installation.

Precise for MS-SQL requirements

In order to monitor MS-SQL with Precise, you first must set up the framework server.

Install the Precise Framework Application on a physical server or virtual machine. It should conform to the specifications shown in the following table. Note that you may use smaller specifications for an evaluation environment, but if you want to use the Precise framework server for production, make sure that the server is sized large enough to support the expected number of monitored instances.

Table 1-1 Required hardware for the Precise framework server

CoresReal MemoryFile SystemPMDB StorageComments

Small systems
(5-20 instances)

2-44 GB-10 GB20 GB - 50 GB20 GB - 50 GB
Medium systems
(21-100 instances)
4-810 GB - 32 GB20 GB - 50 GB80 GB - 200 GB
Large systems
(101-500 instances)
8-1632 GB - 80 GB20 GB - 50 GB400 GB - 2000 GBSee 

Precise framework server

Precise for Oracle requirements

Precise for Db2 requirements

Precise for Sybase requirements

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