In the SQL Safe Agents navigation pane, click on Upgrade Agents, the following options are available in the wizard:

How do you set the account for the SQL Safe Backup Agent upgrade?

In the Authentication tab, specify a Windows Account for the SQL Safe Agent Upgrade. You have two options:

How do you set the SQL Safe Backup Agent for the upgrade?

In the Agents tab, you can see a navigation screen table with the list of SQL Safe Backup Agents registered for the upgrade.

ComputerDisplays the SQL Safe Backup Agent name.
Current VersionDisplays the current version of the SQL Safe Backup Agent.
Management ServerDisplays the previous management server set in the Authentication screen.

Click Add/Remove Agents to set the list of Agents you want to upgrade to the current version of the SQL Safe Management Console. A popup window appears with the following options:

What agent configuration can you change?

On the Configuration tab, you can specify the Management Server and Service Accounts for the upgraded agents. Click on Next and a popup window appears asking if you would like to configure all SQL Safe Agents listed to use the same Management Server or Service Account. If Yes, SQL Safe applies the change to all agents in the list. If No, SQL Safe applies the change to only the selected agent.

How do you configure notifications for the SQL Safe Agent upgrade?

On the Notifications tab, you can email status notifications to the appropriate database administrators about this SQL Safe Agent Upgrade. Email notifications let you, and your staff, remotely monitor the status of your upgrades.

You can choose any of the following events to monitor:

Type the email address of each recipient. Use semicolons to separate multiple email addresses. 

You must configure your mail server settings before SQL Safe can send email notifications. Click Configure E-mail to check your settings. For more information, see configure e-mail settings for status notifications.

SQL Safe sends an email to the specified recipients when you set to send: 

Review the summary before your SQL Safe Agent upgrade

The Summary tab provides a summary of the settings you selected in the SQL Safe Agent Upgrade wizard.

After you review the information, click Upgrade to perform immediately the upgrade to the Agent, or click Generate Script to create a script you can use to upgrade the Agent at a later time. For more information about generating scripts, see how script generation works.

If you chose to upgrade the Agent immediately and want to verify its status, go to the SQL Safe Agents tab and review the Upgrade Status section. For more information, see the Upgrade Status view.

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