SQL Diagnostic Manager allows you to easily add and remove DMSO Instances from your Cluster Environments.

Add Instances to DMSO Management Clusters

Add DMSO Instances to the DMSO Management clusters through:

User Interface

You can add a DMSO Instance through the User Interface using the Add Servers Wizard, you can find it

 Configure your instance as it was a normal instance.

To determine which repository is used, you may need to allow the current value of the ActiveRepositoryConnection property
 in the DesktopClient.Properites.Settings class.

PowerShell Cmdlet

You can add a DMSO Instance through PowerShell Cmdlet, check the example below :

New-SQLdmMonitoredInstanceClustered -Path Instance1 -Cluster MgmtCluster -WindowsAuthentication -tags production,finance

Removing Instances from DMSO Management Clusters

You can remove monitored instances through the user Cluster Tree View by right-clicking the DMSO Instance to remove and selecting the Delete option.