
Collection of objects that represent bindings between a dictionary object and a using object, such as a diagram object. This collection is owned by the dictionary object of the binding.

Object Model


Dictionary objects now own a new collection called BoundObjects. This is a collection of bindings between using objects and the dictionary object that owns the collection.

Each object in the collection (BoundObject) has the ID, ParentID, and ModelID of the object bound to the dictionary object. Additionally, each BoundObject has a property called ObjectType, that is a number that indicates the type of the using object (the object that is bound to the dictionary object).

For the ObjectType enumeration, see the following table. For Domains, UDTs, Rules, Defaults, and Reference Values each BoundObject refers to an Attribute. So the ObjectType will always be 3.

For Attachments, however, the BoundObject can refer to any of the following objects: