Method | Description |
Collapse this BusinessDataObject display object. | |
Expand this BusinessDataObject display object. | |
Get the Check Out status of this BusinessDataObjectDisplay object. DATATYPE: StringObjects. | |
Get the Version History of this BusinessDataObject display object from the Repository server. Return the data in the StringObjects collection. DATATYPE: StringObjects. | |
Resize the BusinessDataObject display to default size. |
Method | Description |
Background color of the BusinessDataObject display object. It takes a 4-byte integer where the first byte represents red value (0-255), the second byte is the green value (0-255), and the third byte is the blue value (0-255). | |
Determines whether to use a custom background color for this BusinessDataObject display object (true) or whether to use the default background color of the submodel (false). DATATYPE: Boolean. | |
GUID of the BusinessDataObject display object as assigned by ER/Studio. Each BusinessDataObject display object has a unique GUID. DATATYPE: String. | |
X coordinate of the BusinessDataObject display object. DATATYPE: Integer. | |
Width of the BusinessDataObject display object. DATATYPE: Integer. | |
ID | ID of the BusinessDataObject display object as assigned by ER/Studio. Each BusinessDataObject display object in a diagram has a unique ID. DATATYPE: Integer. |
Logical name of the BusinessDataObject object. DATATYPE: String. | |
Color for the name. It takes a 4-byte integer where the first byte represents red value (0-255), the second byte is the green value (0-255), and the third byte is the blue value (0-255). | |
Font for the name. Although this property is read only, the user can modify the font by setting the properties in the ERSFont object, which is returned to the caller. | |
OutlineColor of the BusinessDataObject display object. It takes a 4-byte integer where the first byte represents red value (0-255), the second byte is the green value (0-255), and the third byte is the blue value (0-255). | |
Physical name of the BusinessDataObject object. DATATYPE: String. | |
Y coordinate of the BusinessDataObject display object. DATATYPE: Integer. | |
Height of the BusinessDataObject display object. DATATYPE: Integer. |