
Child Cardinality Number of the relationship: 0 = Zero or One to Zero or More, 1 = Zero or One to One or More, 2 = Zero or One to Zero, 3 = Zero or One to exactly N. DATATYPE: Integer.

Property Type


Public Property CardinalityNo() As Variant


Values may be:


One to Zero or More = 0

One to One or More = 1

One to Zero or One = 2

One to Exactly N = 3


Zero or One to Zero or More = 0

Zero or One to One or More = 1

Zero or One to Zero or One = 2

One to Exactly N = 3


Sub Main

Dim d As Diagram
Dim m As Model
Dim rel As Relationship

Set d = DiagramManager.ActiveDiagram
Set m = d.ActiveModel

'Force every Relationship to be Mandatory and One-To-One or More

For Each rel In m.Relationships
rel. = 1
rel.CardinalityNo = 1
Next rel

End Sub