Public Methods



Get the Check Out status of this SchemaObjRelationshipDisplay object. DATATYPE: StringObjects.


Get the Version History of this object from the Repository server. Return the data in the StringObjects collection. DATATYPE: StringObjects.

Public Properties



Name of the child object. DATATYPE: String.

ChildTypeType of the child object. Valid values are: Entity = 1, View = 2, Procedure = 3, Package = 4, and Function = 5.


Color of the schema object's relationship display object. It takes a 4-byte integer where the first byte is a red value (0-255), the second byte is a green value (0-255), and the third byte is a blue value (0-255).


GUID of the schema object relationship display object as assigned by ER/Studio. Each schema object relationship display object has a unique GUID. DATATYPE: String.


ID of the schema object relationship display object as assigned by ER/Studio. Each schema object relationship display object in a diagram has a unique ID. DATATYPE: Integer.


Name of the parent object. DATATYPE: String.

ParentTypeType of the parent object. Valid values are: Entity = 1, View = 2, Procedure = 3, Package = 4, and Function = 5.