Public Properties

AttributeIDAttribute ID of the matched object as assigned by ER/Studio. You can use this value with the ModelID and EntityID to obtain the corresponding AttributeObj object. Valid for ModelUsage queries for AttributeObj objects.
EntityIDEntity ID of the matched object as assigned by ER/Studio. You can use this value with the ModelID to obtain the corresponding Entity object. Valid for ModelUsage queries for Entities and child object types, such as AttributeObj.
GUIDGUID of the matched object. DATATYPE: String.
ModelIDModel ID of the matched object as assigned by ER/Studio. You can use this value to obtain the corresponding Model object. Valid for ModelUsage and SubmodelUsage queries for all objects.
SubModelIDSubmodel ID of the matched object as assigned by ER/Studio. You can use this value with the ModelID to obtain the corresponding SubModel object. Valid for SubmodelUsage queries for all objects.
UserMappingReturns TRUE if this match was made manually by the user.
ViewIDView ID of the matched object as assigned by ER/Studio. You can use this value with the ModelID to obtain the corresponding View object. Valid for ModelUsage queries for Views.