Repository ID | Windows Event ID | Category | Metric Name | Metric Description |
0 | 101 | Resources | SQL Server CPU Usage (Percent) | Percentage of CPU Time used by the SQL Server instance out of the total on the SQL Server computer. |
1 | 202 | Sessions | User Connections (Percent) | Percentage of the user connections allowed by the currently used SQL Server instances. |
4 | 708 | Services | Non-distributed Transactions (Count) | Number of replication transactions published by the Publisher but not received by the Distributor. |
5 | 809 | Services | Unsubscribed Transactions (Count) | Number of replication transactions received by the Distributor but not received by a Subscriber. |
6 | 910 | Queries | Oldest Open Transaction (Minutes) | Time in minutes that the longest running transaction in the database used since issuing the |
7 | 1011 | Databases | Table Fragmentation (Percent) | Percentage of pages in the table that are fragmented. |
8 | 1112 | Databases | Database Full (Percent) | Percentage of the allowable disk space for the database currently used by the sum of data, text, and indexes. Allowable disk space for the database is calculated by taking into account the current allocated space, auto-growth settings, and available disk space. |
9 | 1213 | Databases | Log Full (Percent) | Percentage of the allowable disk space for the database currently used by the transaction log. Allowable disk space for the database is calculated by taking into account the current allocated space, auto-growth settings and available disk space. |
10 | 1314 - Running | Services | SQL Server Agent Status | Status of the SQL Server Agent service. |
11 | 1417 | Databases | Database Read/Write Error Occurred | An I/O error occurred while attempting to read from or write to a database file. |
12 | 1518 - Running | Services | SQL Server Status | Status of the SQL Server service. |
13 | 1624 | Resources | SQL Server Memory Usage (Percent) | Percentage of memory used by the SQL Server instance out of the total memory on the SQL Server computer. |
14 | 1725 | Databases | Database Status | Operational status of the database, such as Normal, Offline, or Suspect. |
17 | 2028 | Services | Unsubscribed Transactions (Seconds) | Time in seconds that a replication transaction is holding at the Distributor and waiting for a Subscriber to receive it. This alert is for visual indicators in the Desktop Client only. No notifications are sent. |
18 | 2129 - Running | Services | DTC Status | Status of the Distributed Transaction Coordinator service. |
19 | 2232 - Running | Services | Full-Text Search Status | Status of the Full-Text Search service. |
20 | N/A | Databases | Index Row hits (Percent) | Percentage of density of an index as used by the SQL Query Optimizer to determine index effectiveness. A high density indicates many duplicates and an inefficient index while a low density indicates high selectivity and an effective index. This alert is for visual indicators in the Desktop Client only. No notifications are sent. |
21 | N/A | Services | Last Full-Text Catalog Update (Hours) | Time (in hours) since the last Full-Text Catalog update was performed and beyond which the statistics data is considered outdated. This alert is for visual indicators in the Desktop Client only. No notifications are sent. |
22 | 2534 | Sessions | SQL Server Response Time (Milliseconds) | Time (in milliseconds) SQL diagnostic manager currently needs to send a simple SQL command to the SQL Server instance, have it processed, and receive the returned result set. |
23 | 4010 - Available | Operational | OS Metrics Collection Status | Status of SQL diagnostic manager OS Metrics Collection. |
24 | 4020 | Resources | OS Used Memory (Percent) | Percentage of total memory used on the SQL Server computer. |
25 | 4030 | Resources | OS Paging (Per Second) | Page fault rate for all processes on the SQL Server computer. |
26 | 4040 | Resources | OS Processor Time (Percent) | Percentage of CPU time used by all processes on the SQL Server computer. |
27 | 4050 | Resources | OS Privileged Time (Percent) | Percentage of CPU time spent by all processes executing in privileged mode on the SQL Server computer. |
28 | 4060 | Resources | OS User Time (Percent) | Percentage of CPU time spent by all processes executing in user mode on the SQL Server computer. |
29 | 4070 | Resources | OS Processor Queue Length (Count) | Number of ready threads in the processor queue on the SQL Server Computer. |
30 | 4080 | Resources | OS Disk Time (Percent) | Percentage of elapsed time that all the disks were busy servicing read and write requests on the SQL Server computer. |
31 | 4090 | Resources | OS Average Disk Queue Length (Count) | Average number of both read and write requests queued for all the disks on the SQL Server computer. |
32 | 2737 | Sessions | Session CPU Time (Seconds) | CPU Time in seconds used by the SQL Server session since the last scheduled refresh. |
33 | 2838 | Sessions | Session CPU Time (Seconds) | Time in seconds that the SQL Server session is blocking other sessions. |
34 | 2940 | Services | SQL Server Agent Long Running Job | Percentage of time a scheduled SQL Server Agent job is taking over the average successful completion time for this job in the current job history. |
35 | 3039 | Services | SQL Server Agent Job Failure | The scheduled SQL Server Agent job ended with a Failed status. |
48 | 4001 - Enabled | Operational | Maintenance Mode Enabled | Maintenance Mode is enabled for the SQL Server instance. SQL diagnostic manager does not collect scheduled data or process alerts. |
49 | 4200 | Operational | CLR Enabled | The Common Language Runtime (CLR) configuration option is enabled for the SQL Server instance. You can run managed code in the .NET Framework. |
50 | 4210 | Operational | OLE Automation Disabled | The OLE Automation Procedures configuration option is disabled (2005) or the procedures were dropped (2000) for the SQL Server instance. SQL diagnostic manager does not use OLE automation to collect data such as OS metrics and service details. |
51 | 4220 | Queries | Query Monitor Events (Count) | The number of queries captured by the Query Monitor on the SQL Server instance during the last scheduled refresh. |
52 | 4230 | Operational | SQL diagnostic manager Collection Service Status | Status of the SQL diagnostic manager Collection Service. |
53 | 4240 | Operational | SQL Server Agent XPs Disabled | The Agent XPs configuration option is disabled (2005) or the procedures were dropped (2000) for the SQL Server instance. SQL diagnostic manager does not collect SQL Agent job details. |
54 | 4250 | Operational | WMI Service Unavailable | The WMI service is unavailable on the SQL Server computer. SQL diagnostic manager does not collect OS metrics. |
57 | 4310 | Sessions | Client Computers (Count) | Number of unique client computers connected to the SQL Server instance. |
58 | 4320 | Sessions | Blocked Sessions (Count) | Number of sessions on the SQL Server instance blocked by other sessions holding requested locks. |
59 | 4330 | Operational | SQL Server Data Used (Percent) | Percentage of allocated data space used across all data files on the SQL Server instance. |
60 | 4340 | Operational | SQL Server Log Used (Percent) | Percentage of allocated log space used across all log files on the SQL Server instance. |
62 | 4110 | Resources | OS Disk Time Per Disk (Percent) | Percentage of elapsed time that an individual disk was busy servicing read and write requests on the SQL Server computer. This event alerts separately for each disk on a server. |
63 | 4120 | Resources | OS Average Disk Queue Length Per Disk (Count) | Average number of both read and write requests queued for an individual disk on the SQL Server computer. This event alerts separately for each disk on a server. |
64 | 4100 | Resources | OS Disk Full (Percent) | Percentage of space used on a logical disk on the SQL Server computer. This event alerts separately for each disk on a server. |
65 | 2940 | Services | SQL Server Agent Long Running Job (Minutes) | Maximum number of minutes a scheduled SQL Server Agent job should take to complete. |
66 | 4400 | Logs | SQL Server Error Log | The number of error log events requiring attention based on either message severity or specified text. |
67 | 4410 | Logs | SQL Server Agent Log | The number of agent log events requiring attention based on either message severity or specified text. When configuring this alert, use the indicator or grid to specify which log message severity corresponds to warning or critical. Use the advanced options to specify additional filters. |
68 | 5105 | Databases | Mirroring Unsent Log (KB) | Size of the unsent log in the send queue on the principal in kilobytes. |
69 | 5106 | Databases | Mirroring Unrestored Log (KB) | Size of the redo queue on the mirror in kilobytes. |
70 | 5107 | Databases | Mirroring Oldest Unsent Transaction (Minutes) | The age of the oldest unsent transaction in minutes on the principal. This is only meaningful on the principal server instance. |
71 | 5108 | Databases | Mirror Commit Overhead (Milliseconds) | Average delay (in milliseconds) on the principal server instance for each transaction because of database mirroring. |
72 | 5109 | Databases | Mirroring Status | Status of the mirrored database such as synchronized suspended or disconnected. |
73 | 5110 | Databases | Mirroring Preferred Configuration | This operational configuration of this mirroring session changed. |
74 | 5111 | Databases | Mirrored Server Role Change | A mirrored database role changed. |
75 | 5112 | Databases | Mirroring Witness Connection | The mirroring witness is not connected. |
76 | 4130 | Resources | Page Life Expectancy | The number of seconds a page stays in the buffer pool without references. |
77 | 4500 | Services | Cluster Failover | A cluster failover has occurred. |
78 | 4510 | Services | Cluster Active Node | The active node of the cluster is a non-preferred node. The preferred node may be configured under Server Properties>Cluster Settings. |
79 | 5120 | Services | Distribution Latency (Seconds) | Time in seconds that a replication transaction has been holding at the Publisher and waiting to be received by a Distributor. |
80 | 2840 | Sessions | Deadlock | A deadlock occurred on the monitored server. Note that the Activity Monitor >Capture deadlocks (SQL 2005+) check box must be enabled for this alert to function. |
81 | 4140 | Resources | Procedure Cache Hit Ratio | The percentage of procedure cache hits to cache lookups. |
82 | 4150 | Resources | Average Disk Milliseconds Per Read | Average time in milliseconds of a read operation of data from the disk. This is a per-disk metric. |
83 | 4160 | Resources | Average Disk Milliseconds Per Transfer | Average time in milliseconds of a disk transfer operation. This is a per-disk metric. |
84 | 4170 | Resources | Average Disk Milliseconds Per Write | Average time in milliseconds of a write operation of data to the disk. This is a per-disk metric. |
85 | 4180 | Resources | Disk Reads Per Second | Rate of read operations on the disk. This is a per-disk metric. |
86 | 4185 | Resources | Disk Transfers Per Second | Rate of transfer operations on the disk. This is a per-disk metric. |
87 | 4190 | Resources | Disk Writes Per Second | Rate of write operations on the disk. This is a per-disk metric. |
88 | 3140 | Services | SQL Server Agent Job Completion | The SQL Server Agent job/step has completed. |
89 | 5130 | Databases | Version Store Generation Ratio | Amount in percent by which the tempdb version store generation rate exceeds the cleanup rate.This alert is only raised on instances running SQL Server 2005 or above. |
90 | 5131 | Databases | Version Store Size (MB) | Size in megabytes of the tempdb version. This alert is only raised on instances running SQL Server 2005 or above. |
91 | 5135 | Databases | Longest Running Version Store Transaction (Minutes) | Time in minutes that the longest version store transaction has been opened and preventing version store cleanup. This alert may only be raised on instances running SQL Server 2005 or above. |
92 | 5136 | Databases | Session Tempdb Space Usage (MB) | Amount of tempdb space being used by a running session. This alert is only raised on instances running SQL Server 2005 or above. |
93 | 5132 | Databases | Tempdb Contention (ms) | Current wait time for tempdb allocation maps (GAM SGAM and PFS) in milliseconds. This alert is only raised on instances running SQL Server 2005 or above. |
94 | 1115 | Databases | Log File Autogrow | Log file autogrow occurred on the specified database. Enable the "Activity Monitor>Capture Autogrow check box for this alert to function. |
95 | 1116 | Databases | Data File Autogrow | Data file autogrow occurred on the specified database. Enable the Activity Monitor>Capture Autogrow check box for this alert to function. |
96 | 5200 | Virtualization | VM Resource Configuration Change | A resource configuration change occurred for the virtual machine hosting the monitored SQL Server instance. This alert is enabled by default and is only relevant to instances hosted on VMWare vCenter virtual machines enabled for VM monitoring in the SQLdm VM Configuration window. |
97 | 5201 | Virtualization | VM Host Server Change | The virtual machine hosting the monitored SQL Server instance moved to a different host. This alert is disabled by default and is only relevant to instances hosted on VMWare vCenter which have been enabled for VM monitoring in the SQLdm VM Configuration window. |
98 | 5202 | Virtualization | VM CPU Usage (Percent) | The percentage of available virtual CPU time used by the virtual machine hosting the monitored SQL Server. This may differ from the processor utilization percentage reported by the guest OS. A high percentage may indicate a large number of active client sessions.This alert is disabled by default and is only relevant to instances hosted on virtual machines enabled for VM monitoring in the SQLdm VM Configuration window. |
99 | 5250 | Virtualization | Host CPU Usage (Percent) | The percentage of available CPU time used by the host server hosting the virtual machine on which the monitored SQL Server is currently running. This alert is enabled by default and is only relevant to instances hosted on virtual machines enabled for VM monitoring in the SQLdm VM Configuration window. |
100 | 5203 | Virtualization | VM Memory Usage (Percent) | The percentage of available memory used by the virtual machine hosting the monitored SQL Server. This may differ from the memory usage percentage reported by the guest OS. This alert is disabled by default and is only relevant to instances hosted on virtual machines enabled for VM monitoring in the SQLdm VM Configuration window. |
101 | 5251 | Virtualization | Host Memory Usage (Percent) | The percentage of available memory used by the host server hosting the virtual machine on which the monitored SQL Server is currently running. This alert is enabled by default and is only relevant to instances hosted on virtual machines enabled for VM monitoring in the SQLdm VM Configuration window. |
102 | 5204 | Virtualization | VM CPU Ready Wait Time | The time in milliseconds that a virtual CPU has been waiting for a physical CPU to become available for processing for the virtual machine on which the monitored SQL Server is currently running. A spike in this value may indicate CPU pressure on the host server. This alert is enabled by default and is only relevant to instances hosted on VMWare vCenter virtual machines enabled for VM monitoring in the SQLdm VM Configuration window. |
103 | 5205 | Virtualization | VM Reclaimed/Ballooned Memory (KB) | The amount of memory that has been reclaimed by host and is no longer available to the virtual machine on which the monitored SQL Server instance is running. A spike in this value may be a sign of memory pressure on the host. This alert is enabled by default and is only relevant to instances hosted on VMWare vCenter virtual machines enabled for VM monitoring in the SQLdm VM Configuration window. |
104 | 5206 | Virtualization | VM Memory Swap Delay Detected | Memory being swapped to disk is causing a performance delay on the virtual machine on which the monitored SQL Server instance is running. This is triggered if the Memory Swap In Rate (KB/s) or CPU Swap Rate (ms) counters are non-zero. This alert is enabled by default and is only relevant to instances hosted on VMWare vCenter virtual machines enabled for VM monitoring in the SQLdm VM Configuration window. |
105 | 5252 | Virtualization | Host Memory Swap Detected | Memory is being swapped to disk for the host server hosting the virtual machine on which the monitored SQL Server is currently running. This may be an indication of memory pressure on the host. This alert is disabled by default and is only relevant to instances hosted on VMWare vCenter which have been enabled for VM monitoring in the SQLdm VM Configuration window. |
106 | 5207 | Virtualization | VM Resource Limits Detected | Either CPU or memory resource limits are set for the virtual machine hosting the monitored SQL Server instance. Resource limits are soft limits set by the VM Administrator on the total amount of resources that a VM is allowed to consume. This alert is disabled by default and is only relevant to instances hosted on VMWare vCenter virtual machines enabled for VM monitoring in the SQLdm VM Configuration window. |
107 | 5208 | Virtualization | VM Power State | This is the state of the VM as reported by the vCenter or Hyper-V host servers. This alert is enabled by default and is only relevant to instances hosted on virtual machines enabled for VM monitoring in the SQLdm VM Configuration window. |
108 | 5253 | Virtualization | Host Power State | This is the state of the host as reported by the vCenter or Hyper-V host servers. This alert is enabled by default and is only relevant to instances hosted on virtual machines enabled for VM monitoring in the SQLdm VM Configuration window. |
109 | 1113 | Databases | Database Full (Size) | The amount of disk space (in MB) currently used by the database as the sum of data text and indexes. This value is the actual amount of used data within the database file not the size of the database file itself. |
110 | 1214 | Databases | Log Full (Size) | The amount of disk space (in MB) currently used by the transaction log for this database. This value is the actual amount of data within the log not the size of the database log file itself. |
111 | 4101 | Resources | OS Disk Free Space (Size) | Amount of space (in MB) available on a logical disk on the SQL Server computer. |
116 | 5301 | Databases | Availability Group Role Change | Primary role changed to a secondary replica. Alert includes affected database(s) for the entire availability group. |
117 | 5302 | Databases | Availability Group Estimated Data Loss (Seconds) | The time period in seconds that data is not synchronized to the secondary replica. Value reflects the time difference of the last commit between the primary and secondary replicas. Alert includes affected database(s). |
118 | 5303 | Databases | Availability Group Synchronization Health | Reflects database synchronization state in the availability group. Possible values include: not healthy partially healthy and healthy. |
119 | 5304 | Databases | Availability Group Estimated Recovery Time (Seconds) | The required time in seconds that the secondary replica needs to catch up with the primary replica. Alert includes affected database(s). |
120 | 5305 | Databases | Availability Group Synchronization Performance (Seconds) | The time required in seconds to complete synchronization between the primary and secondary replicas. |
121 | 5306 | Databases | Availability Group Log Send Queue Size (KB) | Amount of log records in KB needed to ship to the secondary replica to complete synchronization. Alert includes affected database(s). |
122 | 5307 | Databases | Availability Group Redo Queue Size (KB) | Amount of log records from log files in KB that need redoing in the secondary replica to complete synchronization. Alert includes affected database(s). |
123 | 5308 | Databases | Availability Group Redo Rate (KB/s) | Rate in KB per second at which log records are redone in the secondary database to complete synchronization. Alert includes affected database(s). |
124 | 5320 | Databases | Availability Group Preferred Replica | Alert is raised when the database is no longer on the preferred replica. |
125 | 5324 | Operational | SQLdm Repository Grooming Timed Out | Grooming timed out on your SQL Server Repository. SQL diagnostic manager no longer deletes stored metrics in the SQLdm Repository at the set schedule. To review your grooming settings access Tools > Grooming Options. |
126 | 5328 | Databases | Filegroup Space Full (Percent) | TBD |
127 | 5330 | Databases | Filegroup Space Full (Size) | TBD |
128 | 5332 | Services | SQL Server Browser Service Status | Status of the SQL Server Browser service. |
129 | 5342 | Services | SQL Server Active Directory Helper Service Status | Status of the SQL Server Active Directory Helper service. |
130 | 1115 | Backup | Days since last backup | Days since the database has not been backed up. |