SQL Diagnostic Manager provides the following new features and fixed issues.

11.1 New Features

11.1 Fixed Issues

History Browser

 The History Browser returns query results within a 60-seconds time frame


 The SQL Server Agent Job (Percent) metric correctly calculates the percentage value.

The 'Database Full (Percent) metric is working as expected when the Alert Suppression is configured.

 The default configuration of the "SQL Server Error Log" metric correctly applies the 10MB file size limit.

 The SQL Server Browser metric is no longer raising alerts when only a default instance exists on the monitored server.

 The "Days since last backup" metric is no longer raising alerts for read-only databases that have been excluded from the metric.

 The SQL Server Agent Job Failure metric correctly raises alerts as expected.

 The "Days since last backup" metric now correctly works in Availability Groups environments.

 The SQL Server Agent Status metric correctly returns to an OK state when the service is detected to have been started.


 The "The deadlock victim was spid 0 with application name 'unknown' by user 'unknown' on host 'unknown" alerts are no longer displaying.

 Alert Response rules are now correctly starting Query-wait statistic collection as it was configured.

 Corrected various issues with the Deadlock graphs and Alerts view within the SQLDM Web Console.

 Fragmentation alerts are triggering successfully after performing an upgrade.

SQL Diagnostic Manager now raises alerts for Database Full (percent) metric in console when filtering by percentage.

 The alert for the "Page Life Expectancy" metric now takes the correct thresholds showing the right alerts.

 The advanced "filter by percentage" option correctly raises alerts as expected.

 The advanced alert filter for the 'Data File Autogrowth' alert is now correctly excluding databases.

SQL Diagnostic Manager automatically applies certain alert templates based on the server type of the monitored instance.


 The Database widget under the Overview screen is now displaying data for the historical mode.

Monitored instances are now correctly removed from SQL Diagnostic Manager.

SQL Diagnostic Manager is no longer encountering an overflow error when a monitored SQL Server Agent Job is running longer than usual.

 SQL Diagnostic Manager is correctly sending OK status notifications and email notifications.

SQL Diagnostic Manager desktop console is no longer showing slow performance when monitoring a large number of instances.

SQL Diagnostic Manager correctly applies baseline settings to other monitored instances.

 Customized Dashboards in the SQLDM Desktop Client are now correctly saved in the repository database.

SQLDM successfully applies new baselines' configuration to monitored instances.

 Now SQL Diagnostic Manager successfully shows paging graphics in the Memory Screen of the Resources tab.


 Improved the stability of the SQLDM Management Service.

Availability Groups

SQL Diagnostic Manager now correctly monitors Availability Group servers with reading/write permissions.


 The Disk Statistic report is now correctly showing the total number of drives of a monitored server.

 When the user runs the report for CPU or Memory statistics selecting Show Baseline, it returns Actual and Baseline Stats.

 The "Top Query" report now works successfully for all production servers.

 The Database Growth Forecast report correctly categorizes system databases when using the database selector.

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