Turns on the passed in override control for this domain. PARAMETERS: OverrideControlType (Integer).
Public Sub SetOverrideControl( _ ByVal OverrideControlType As Variant _ ) |
The override control IDs and types appear in the following table.
ID | Override Control Type |
1 | Allow datatype |
2 | Disallow datatype |
3 | Allow default |
4 | Disallow default |
5 | Allow rule |
6 | Disallow rule |
7 | Allow definition |
8 | Disallow definition |
9 | Allow note |
10 | Disallow note |
20 | Initially migrate attachments |
21 | Never migrate attachments |
22 | Always migrate attachments |
30 | Partial synchronize attribute name |
31 | Never synchronize attribute name |
40 | Partial synchronize column name |
41 | Never synchronize column name |