Aqua Data Studio provides visual editors for database schema objects, database storage objects, and security objects. By navigating the Schema Browser, a user may locate any object and, by right-clicking the mouse, get a popup menu with the CREATE, ALTER and DROP commands for the object. By selecting the desired operation the user may visually CREATE, ALTER or DROP the object. Once the object has been designed in the form and its properties have been set, the user may click the "Ok" button at which time the form will generate an SQL statement(s) which are executed on the database to create the object and refresh the schema browser to show the new object. Nearly every object visible within the Schema Browser can be edited directly through the menus available via right-click or through the Application Menu. The properties of objects to be created or edited through the GUI Tools do vary based on the support provided by the database vendor.

The GUI Tools within Aqua Data Studio allow Creating Databases (depending on vendor), Creating, Altering and Dropping Tables, Creating, Altering and Dropping Constraints, Creating, Altering and Dropping Indexes,  Creating, Altering and Dropping Views and Triggers, Creating, Altering and Dropping Aliases and Synonyms, Creating, Altering and Dropping Storage Objects, and Creating Multi Scripting Objects. For even more information about Aqua Data Studio's database, GUI Tools see the Database Administration Tools section.