Within Aqua Data Studio, we have introduced the concept of projects, which comprise AquaScripts, Server Connections, and User Files. The projects provide a self-contained programming unit that allows users to create a set of AquaScripts that work on a specific set of database servers with the ability to store and access configuration files. Once a project is completed, it may be exported and shared with other users.
Create a New Project: To create a new project, right-click Projects > New Project > perform one of these actions:

  • To create a new project without creating a new pre-defined script, choose None.
  • To create a new pre-defined script, choose an Aquascript template and provide the required details > click Create.
    Aquascript templates simplify the use of commonly used AquaScript Open APIs. These templates are stored in the AquaScript folder with .xjs extension. 

To create a new AquaScript, right-click in the Project's AquaScript folder and select New in the Context Menu. 

Create a new project without
a new pre-defined script
Create a new project with
a new pre-defined script
Create a new AquaScript

To register a server, right-click the Servers folder and select Register Server, or drag an existing server from the Schema Browser into the Servers folder of your project to make a copy. To create a new user file right-click the User Files folder and select New. To organize multiple projects, right-click the Projects Browser's root folder icon and select New Folder. Folders can contain other folders or groups of projects.

Register Servers
for a Project
Drag and Drop
Servers to a Project
Creating Files
in User Files

Projects Browser:  Projects are presented in a tree of virtual folders that may be used for grouping projects. Similar to folders in the Servers Browser, the virtual folders may contain multiple AquaProjects, and may be moved from one folder to another by dragging and dropping. Each project is mapped to a fixed path on the local filesystem, which is independent of the virtual tree. For a diagram of the AquaScript Project Browser Workspace, click here.

AquaScripts, Servers, and User Files: Every project has an AquaScripts directory, a Servers directory, and a User Files directory. The AquaScripts Folder holds all of the AquaScript (.xjs) files which can be executed and debugged. The Servers Folder can contain one or many registered database server connections for use by the AquaScripts in that project. If there is a server in the Schema Browser you wish to use in a Project, drag that server from your Schema Browser into the desired Project and the connection information will copy over. The User Files Folder contains files for input or output of the AquaScripts. The AquaScripts, Servers, and User Files folders can also contain multiple subfolders to assist with organizing Project content. Every Project is self-contained with its properties and can be exported as a .zip or compressed file for archiving.

Projects TreeProjects BrowserAquaScripts FolderServers FolderUser Files Folder

Version Control Support for Projects: The ADStudio version control system also supports AquaProjects. This allows teams to collaborate in developing AquaScripts in a project. Users can update and commit project scripts, files and server registrations. Committing server registrations are prompted with a warning to alert the user that the potential server password will be committed to a shared repository which could be a security concern. The version control system works similarly in AquaProjects as the rest of the application.

Version Control
of Projects

Exporting Projects to File: AquaScript Projects can be exported to compressed files. During export, users can select which of the Project directories to export: database server connection information, AquaScripts, and/or User Files content. The project zip file may be sent to other users who can unzip the file, and then mount the project in their environment by right-mouse-clicking in the Projects tree and selecting "Mount Project."

Export Projects

Searching in Projects: AquaScripts Projects can be searched for specific files or content using the Project Search feature available in the right-click context menu.

Search Projects

Register Servers
for a Project
Drag and Drop
Servers to a Project
Creating Files
in User Files