Updates the value and comment of a WhereScape RED metadata Parameter or creates it.
Updates the value and comment of the specified parameter in the DSS_PARAMETER metadata table. If the specified parameter is not found, then it is added.
Typically, this routine is used by procedures to write information that is read by another process (automatically or manually via the RED Tools > Parameters menu item), which is external to the procedure.



Parameter Name

The case-sensitive name of the WhereScape RED metadata parameter to be updated or added.

Parameter Value

The new value of the parameter to be assigned. Corresponds to the "Value" property that is visible and maintainable via Tools > Parameters.

Parameter Comments

The new comments of the parameter to be assigned. Corresponds to the "Comments" property that is visible and maintainable via Tools > Parameters. The parameter comments will not be modified if a NULL value is specified.




Result Number

Output Result Number :

  • 1Metadata Parameter Updated.
  • 2Metadata Parameter Inserted.
  • -3Fatal/Unexpected Error.