Updates row counts for a task in the Task Log.
Updates row counts for the specified task in the Task Log. Task Log messages (and row counts) are accessible via the "Scheduler" tab/window and/or the WS_WRK_TASK_RUN and WS_WRK_TASK_LOG tables.
This routine is intended to be executed by a task of a job since it requires a valid job, task, and job sequence number that is provided by a WhereScape RED Scheduler.



Common Input

Includes 3 inputs of the Callable Routines Common Input.

Inserted Row Count

The number of rows inserted by the task.

Updated Row Count

The number of rows updated by the task.

Replaced Row Count

The number of rows replaced by the task.

Deleted Row Count

The number of rows deleted by the task.

Discarded Row Count

The number of rows discarded by the task.

Rejected Row Count

The number of rows rejected by the task.

Error Row Count

The number of rows with an error that were failed by the task.




Result Number

Output Result Number:

  • 0   Success.
  • -1  Warning.
  • -3  Fatal/Unexpected Error.