Before upgrading your SQL Compliance Agents, review the permissions requirements and how the SQL Compliance Manager Agent works.
Consider the scenarios described below for SQL Compliance Manager Agent installation and upgrade.
If the SQL Compliance Manager Agent is:
installed and deployed via SQL Compliance Manager console, it has to be upgraded using the application console. Alternatively, it can be upgraded via command line.
installed and deployed with the main installer, it has to be upgraded using the main installer.
installed and deployed manually using the install command line, it has to be upgraded using the upgrade command line.
To upgrade the agent manually with the command line, it is required to use only the SQL Compliance Manager Agent MSI. |
You can upgrade the SQLcompliance Agent remotely using the Management Console. Use this approach to upgrade agents on any registered SQL Server where you remotely installed the agent.
If you deployed an agent on a remote server via the SQL Compliance Manager console and want to upgrade it to this build, you can also use the upgrade command of the SQL Compliance Manager silent installer. |
You can use the SQL Compliance Manager setup program to upgrade the SQLcompliance Agent on the local computer that is running the registered SQL Server instance. Use this approach when you are upgrading the SQLcompliance Agent on a registered SQL Server where you manually installed the agent.
To upgrade the IDERA SQL Compliance Manager Agent for versions 5.5 and later, use the following command:
msiexec /i "<Path_to_Agent_MSI>\SQLcomplianceAgent-x64.msi" /l*v InstallAgent.log COLLECT_SERVER="IderaCollectionServerName" INSTANCE="AgentSQLServerInstanceName" TRACE_DIRECTORY="C:\Program Files\Idera\SQLcompliance\AgentTraceFiles" SERVICEUSERNAME="Domain\Username" PASSWORD="!mySec@tP@55w0rD" STARTSERVICE="TRUE" SILENT="1" REINSTALLMODE=vamus REINSTALL=All AllUsers=1 /qb+ |
To upgrade the IDERA SQL Compliance Manager Agent from 4.5 to this version and later, use the following command:
msiexec /i "\SQLcomplianceAgent-x64.msi" /l*v InstallAgent.log SERVICEUSERNAME="Domain\Username" PASSWORD="!mySec@tP@55w0rD" STARTSERVICE="TRUE" SILENT="1" AllUsers=1 /qb+ |
You can easily upgrade a SQLcompliance Agent for a SQL Server instance located in a Windows cluster by running the setup program. Perform the following steps on each node (computer) of the cluster.
When you upgrade the SQLcompliance Agent, the associated CLI trigger is deleted and recreated. This update can take several minutes. During this time, the SQLcompliance Agent status will show that it is unavailable due to a CLR error. Use the Activity Log to track when the new CLI trigger install completes. |
in the root of the installation kit.C:\Program Files\IDERA\SQLCompliance.
Run SQLcomplianceClusterSetup.EXE.
, save the changes and close the Properties window.