The Import Audit Settings window of the Import Audit Settings wizard allows you to select which type of audit settings you want to import from the selected XML file.
Select server-level audit settings
Allows you to import all server-level audit settings from the selected XML file. This action is available when the selected XML file contains audit settings that were exported at the server level.
Select privileged user audit settings
Allows you to import the privileged user settings from the selected XML file. This action is available when the selected XML file contains audit settings that were exported at the server level.
Select database audit settings
Allows you to import database-level audit settings previously configured for a specific database, using the selected database as a baseline or template. You can import these settings to multiple databases or limit your import to target databases whose names match the baseline database.
For example, if you want to import the audit settings you configured for the HR database, select HR from the database list.