The General tab of the Audited Database Properties window allows you to view the general properties of the selected database, and specify a description.
Server instance
Provides the name of the registered SQL Server instance that is hosting the selected database.
Database name
Provides the name of the selected database you are auditing.
Allows you to specify a description for this database. The Management Console uses this description when you view properties or report on audit data. Consider including information about the data stored on this database, or the organization to which this database belongs.
Auditing status
Indicates whether auditing is currently enabled on this database.
Date created
Provides the date and time when the database was added for auditing. By default, auditing is enabled when the database is added.
Last modified
Provides the date and time when audit settings were last modified for this database.
Last change in auditing status
Provides the date and time when the auditing status of this database changed.