The following report categories are included with IDERA SQL Compliance Manager. The activity, change, and history reports list events that passed the SQL Server access check. To audit events that failed the SQL Server access check, generate the Permission Denied Activity report for the appropriate SQL Server instance.
Audit Reports
The Daily Audit Activity Statistics report lists the amount of activity that occurred on the SQL Server instance or designated database, on an hourly basis, for the dates specified. Use this report to audit overall activity levels on your SQL Server instances and databases.
Alerts Reports
The Alert Activity report lists alert details, such as target object, event, and time of the alert. Use this report to audit alerts triggered over a specified time period.
Application Audit Reports
These reports list activity details, such as login, event, and time of activity, per application and database. Use these reports to audit activity across multiple applications and databases.
Database Object Audit Reports
The Backup and DBCC Activity report lists backup, restore, DBCC, and database object activities on specific databases. Use these reports to audit mass data movement or database object activity, such as SELECT or UPDATE, across multiple databases.
DDL Audit Reports
The Database Schema Change History report lists schema changes applied to audited databases. Use these reports to audit data definition language (DDL) statements, such as dropped tables, executed against one or more databases on a SQL Server instance.
DML Audit Reports
The DML Activity (Before-After) report lists DML events for which before and after data is available. Use this report to audit UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE activity on critical or sensitive databases.
Host Audit Reports
The Host Activity report lists all host computers from which specific logins executed an action. Use this report to audit user behavior from multiple client computers, identifying the host computer from which an activity request originated.
Policy Audit Reports
These reports list changes and updates applied to the SQL Compliance Manager Agent deployed on a specific SQL Server, and any integrity violations in your audit data. Use these reports to diagnose audit data integrity issues and track agent configuration changes as well as agent activities, such as SQL Compliance Manager Agent service restarts.
Row Count Reports
The Row Count reports lists all information about data access. Use this report to audit the frequency in which data is accessed, identifying suspicious behavior.
Security Audit Reports
These reports list permission changes by object type as well as unauthorized attempts to execute activities. Use these reports to audit your SQL Server security settings and identify misconduct.
Server Activity Reports
The Server Activity Report Card report allows you to review the activity status and recent audit event history on your SQL Server instance. Use this report to display a particular server´s activity status.
SELECT Audit Reports
The Sensitive Column report lists all SELECT events that were initiated by applications to read specific columns that contain sensitive data. This report also includes the T-SQL statements that executed the corresponding commands. Use this report to audit columns that require high security, such as employee Social Security numbers (SSNs).
User Audit Reports
These reports list user activities performed on a specific SQL Server instance, and provide a history of login creations and deletions. Use these reports to audit user behavior and login management.
Alert Rules
The Alert Rules report lists the existing alert rules for your servers and databases. Use these reports to diagnose audit data integrity issues.
Configuration Check Reports
The configuration check report lists all the configurations selected on a Server or Database. Use these reports to reconcile the differences in regards to the configurations across different servers and databases.
Privileged/Trusted User Reports
The Privileged/Trusted Users report lists all trusted and privileged users set in each server instance and database. Use this report to monitor which Trusted and Privileged Users were set to during a snapshot in time.
Regulation Audit Reports
These reports list all the regulations and their individual guidelines applied to your servers and databases. Use the Regulation Guideline report to audit the regulatory guidelines applied to your SQL Server instance, or use the Regulation Compliance Check report to ensure that your servers and databases continue to be in compliance with the selected regulatory guidelines.
Sensitive Column/BAD Reports
The Sensitive Column/BAD report lists Sensitive Column and Before-After data audit settings applied to your servers and databases. Use this report to monitor what Sensitive Columns and Before-After data auditing were set to during a snapshot in time.