The Audit Control Changes Report lists all changes and updates to SQL Compliance Manager audit settings. Use this report to diagnose audit data integrity issues and control all changes to the audit settings in your environment.
A filter can include a list of wildcards, separated by commas, where a wildcard is a string, which may contain asterisks. The following parameters are specific to the selected report and enable you to filter the data to include in the report.
Server Instance
Allows you to select a registered instance on which you want to report. Select ALL to report on all instances.
Allows you to select the login from the drop down list of available logins. Select ALL to report on all logins.
Start Date
Allows you to select the start date for the range from which you want to report.
End Date
Allows you to select the end date for the range from which you want to report.
Start Time - Hour
Allows you to select the exact starting hour of the day for the range from which you want to report.
Start Time - Min
Allows you to select the exact starting minute of the day for the range from which you want to report.
Start Time - AM/PM
Select between AM or PM from the drop down list to configure the Start Time for Each Day range from which you want to report.
End Time - Hour
Allows you to select the exact ending hour of the day for the range from which you want to report.
End Time - Min
Allows you to select the exact ending minute of the day for the range from which you want to report.
End Time - AM/PM
Select between AM or PM from the drop down list to configure the End Time for Each Day range from which you want to report.
Allows you to type the name of one or more events on which you want to report.
Run Report
Click this button to Run the report.
The Time column displays the date and time when the event was captured.
The Event column indicates the type of event captured.
The Login column displays the login name of the user who performed the event.
Server Instance
The Server Instance column displays the name of the Instance Server where the event was captured.
The Description column displays a description of the event captured.