The Regulatory Compliance Check Report shows whether the selected servers/databases audit settings are inline with the applied regulatory guidelines. Use this report to ensure that your servers and databases continue to be in compliance with the selected regulatory guidelines.
Server Instance
Allows you to select a registered instance on which you want to report. Select ALL to report on all instances.
Allows you to select or type the name of one or more databases on which you want to report.
Audit Settings
Allows you to filter the report by specific audit settings. Select an audit setting from the drop down menu option, or select ALL to report on all audit settings.
Allows you to filter based on the values of the audit settings. Select between the following options; Selected, Varies, Deselected or N/A.
Regulatory Guideline
Allows you to filter the report by a specific regulation guideline. Select a regulation guideline from the drop down menu option, or select ALL to report on all regulatory guidelines.
Run Report
Click this button to Run the report.
Server Events
The Server Events column displays the name of the Server event.
The CIS column indicates whether the this regulation guideline is applied or not to the each database in a server.
The DISA column indicates whether the this regulation guideline is applied or not to the each database in a server.
The FERPA column indicates whether the this regulation guideline is applied or not to the each database in a server.
The GDPR column indicates whether the this regulation guideline is applied or not to the each database in a server.
The HIPPA column indicates whether the this regulation guideline is applied or not to the each database in a server.
The NERC column indicates whether the this regulation guideline is applied or not to the each database in a server.
The PCI column indicates whether the this regulation guideline is applied or not to the each database in a server.
The SOX column indicates whether the this regulation guideline is applied or not to the each database in a server.