The Sensitive Column/BAD report lists Sensitive Column and Before-After data audit settings applied to your servers and databases. Use this report to monitor what Sensitive Columns and Before-After data auditing were set to during a snapshot in time.
A filter can include a list of wildcards, separated by commas, where a wildcard is a string, which may contain asterisks. The following parameters are specific to the selected report and enable you to filter the data to include in the report.
Server Instance
Allows you to select a registered instance on which you want to report. Select ALL to report on all instances.
Allows you to select or type the name of one or more databases on which you want to report
Table Name
Allows you to select or type the name of one or more table names on which you want to report.
Allows you to type the name of the schema on which you want to report.
Column Name
Allows you to type the column names of one or more columns on which you want to report.
Data Type
Allows you to select the data type for which you want this report to filter on. Select between the following options; Both, Sensitive Column or Before After.
Run Report
Click this button to Run the report.
Table Name
The Table Name column displays the name of the table where the event was captured.
The Columns column displays the name of the columns where sensitive data was accessed or altered.
The Type column displays the whether the data was collected as part of a Dataset or from an Individual column.
Maximum Rows
The Maximum Rows column displays the maximum amount of rows altered.