This window allows you to archive audit data (collected SQL Server events). Archiving moves the collected audit data from the event database to an archive database for each registered SQL Server you select. If an archive database does not exist for the selected SQL Server instance, the Collection Server creates the archive database. You can continue to report on all audited events that you archive.
Your archive preferences determine which data is moved. Check your preferences before archiving the audit data.
When you archive audit data, you can choose to check the integrity of the collected events. If the audit data for the selected SQL Server instance fails this integrity check, IDERA SQL Compliance Manager does not archive the data.
To change your archive settings, click Archive Preferences.
To generate a CLI command that includes your archive preferences, click Generate Script.
To archive collected audit data now, select the appropriate SQL Servers, and then click OK.
Archive Preferences
Allows you to set the age at which audited events are archived, specify the time zone the Collection Server uses to determine when to partition an archive database, configure how the archive databases are named, and choose whether to perform an integrity check of the audit data. The Collection Server applies these settings whenever an archive operation is performed.
Generate Script
Creates a CLI command that includes your archive preferences. You can save the command to a batch file or copy the command to another application. Use this command to schedule and automate your archive workflow through a third-party tool.
Select SQL Servers to Archive
Allows you to archive audit data across all registered SQL Server instances or on a particular registered SQL Server instance.