Please make sure to review the Collection Server requirements before installing. By default, IDERA SQL Compliance Manager is being installed with a trial license. Please update the license key to reflect your current production license.

Installing the Collection Server:

  1. Log in with an administrator account to a computer or any other VM in which you want to install the Collection Server.
  2. Run  SQLCMInstall.EXE in the root of the installation kit.
  3. Review the information you need to start the installation, and then click Next. 
  4. Review and accept the license agreement by selecting the I accept the terms and conditions of the End User License Agreement checkbox.
    Select the SQL Compliance Manager Management components only setup and then click Next.

  5. Specify if you want to register SQL Compliance Manager with an existing IDERA Dashboard. 

  6. Accept the default folder for your SQL Compliance Manager installation, type or click Browse to specify a different folder, and then click Next.
  7. Specify the SQL Server Instance on which you restored the Repository databases and a form of authentication to create the SQL Compliance Manager repository. 
  8. Indicate that you want to use the existing Repository databases, and then click Next.
  9. If you want to audit the Repository or other databases associated with the selected SQL Server instance, click Yes, and then click Next.
  10. Specify the location where the Collection Server should store audit data received from the SQL Compliance Manager Agent, and then click Next. The specified folder will be the trace file directory on the Collection Server.
  11. Type the appropriate credentials in the provided fields under which IDERA services run, and then click Next. IDERA uses this account to connect, discover, and gather configuration information from SQL Servers in your Business environment. The installer grants the "Log on as a Service" right to the account that you specify.
  12. Review the installation settings and click Install.

SQL Compliance Manager is ONLY compatible with IDERA Dashboard version 4.8.1 and with limited support.

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