Complete the following procedure to install the WhereScape RED software:

Before you begin the install process:

  • Stop any WhereScape RED schedulers running on the computer.
  • Close any other applications that are running.
  • The following packages are downloaded and installed by WhereScape RED as required. If working offline you need to ensure they are already installed:
PackageFile NameFile Size (KB)
Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2019 (x64)vc_redist.x64.exe14,708
Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2019 (x86)vc_redist.x86.exe14,028
.NET Framework 4.6.1NDP461-KB3102436-x86-x64-AllOS-ENU.exe66,095
.NET Framework 4.6.1 (web installer)NDP461-KB3102438.exe1,391
  1. Double-click the RED_xxxxx.exe file (For example: the downloaded file for version, would be RED_68400.exe).
    The WhereScape RED Setup Wizard window is displayed.
  2. Click Next to continue with the installation.

    The installer checks for certain prerequisites that are needed to run some components of RED. If any of the prerequisites are missing, clicking Next takes you to the list of required prerequisites and you need to install them. To skip this step and jump directly to the installation of RED, click Finish.

    The WhereScape RED Setup End-User License Agreement window is displayed. Read the license terms.
  3. Select the I accept the terms in the License Agreement option and click Next to continue.

    If you do not accept the license agreement, you cannot continue with the installation. 

  4. The Select Installation Folder window is displayed, showing the directory where the WhereScape RED software will be installed.
    To change the directory, click Browse... to navigate to the required Installation Folder and then click Next to continue.
  5. The Ready to Install window is displayed, allowing you to go back and change any of the information you have entered so far.
    Click Install to install the WhereScape RED software.

  6. The Installing WhereScape RED window is displayed, showing you the progress of the installation.
  7. A window is displayed after completing the installation. Click Finish to exit and Launch the Setup Administrator.

    If a scheduler was running or a program was open (when doing an upgrade), prompt displays advising you that a reboot is required to finish the installation.