WhereScape RED has a concept of objects that are combined to create real-world data warehouses and data marts, fast.
Each WhereScape RED object has properties that enable the data warehouse developer to change how the object is used. In addition to the in-built object types you can also define your own object subtypes to distinguish them visually in the object trees and also customize the automation aspects of those object subtypes.  

Some object types may not be available for certain types of WhereScape RED licenses.

WhereScape RED objects include:

Object Type




Connections define the path to external objects, such as source data. Examples of connection object types are databases, analysis services cubes, operating systems, or ODBC sources. Connections isolate environments simplifying, for example, the promotion of code between development and production.

Load Table

Load tables are the first entry point of data into the data repository, and typically hold the latest set of change data. These objects contain their definition. Load tables can be defined as database links, ODBC, external, files, scripts, or XML. Based on their definition, they will, for example, run a predefined script or create a load script at run time. Pre-load actions (e.g. truncate) or post-load procedures can be defined as part of a load object. In addition, transformations (either during or after the load) can be defined against columns in a load table.

Dimension Table

Dimension tables are the constraining elements in the star schema design and are defined by this object type. WhereScape RED automatically generates procedural code for the three standard types of slowly changing dimensions, as well as date-ranged dimensions (where the current version is defined by an external system). WhereScape RED also ships with a standard time dimension which can of course be extended. Dimensions can also be defined as mapping or work tables that do not appear in the generated user documentation.

Dimension View

A Dimension view is a database view of a dimension table. It may be a full or partial view. A common usage is to create dimension views where multiple date dimensions exist for one fact table. Other types of views supported by WhereScape RED include fact views, other table views, work views, and user-defined views.

Stage Tables

Stage tables are used in the transformation of raw data into a model or star schema format. They typically hold only the latest set of change data. In addition to custom procedures, WhereScape RED can generate different types of procedural code based on the complexity and size of the data set and performance requirements. Examples of procedural types that can be generated are cursor, sorted cursor, set, set + cursor, or set merge procedural code. A Stage table can also be defined as a work table, which has the same properties as a stage table but does not appear in the generated user documentation.

EDW 3NF Table

An EDW 3NF table is a data warehouse object used to build third-normal form enterprise data warehouses. In WhereScape RED, EDW 3NF objects have many of the code-generating attributes of stage, dimension, and fact tables. The third normal form of enterprise data warehouses can be thought of as a source system for star schema data marts. Alternatively, they may be reported directly by users and reporting tools.

Data Store Table

A Data Store Table is a data warehouse object used to store any type of data for later processing. In WhereScape RED, Data Store objects have many of the code-generating attributes of stage, dimension, and fact tables. Data objects can be thought of as a source system for the data warehouse. Alternatively, they may be reported directly by users and reporting tools. Data Store Objects can be considered either reference or transactional.

Fact Table

Fact tables are the central table in a star schema design. This object type enables the definition of fact tables. They support transactional, rollup, snapshot, or partitioned (detail, rollup, or exchange) fact tables. Changing a fact table's properties to partitioned, starts a partitioning wizard that prompts for the required information.

KPI Fact Table

This object type supports a special type of fact table. A mandatory KPI (Key Performance Indicator) dimension provides a set of KPIs that are stored and maintained by this object type.


The Aggregate object type provides a means to speed up access by summarizing data to a higher grain. For dimensional models, a rollup of the fact data will allow the removal of dimensions that are no longer valid.


View objects are usually created as end-user objects from any table in the data warehouse. The data or columns may be restricted or extra descriptions may be added for use by the end-user or reporting tools.


The Procedure object type is used to define and hold database-stored procedures. As such it may contain functions, procedures, and packages that are generated, modified, or custom-developed.

Host Script

Host script objects are either Windows or UNIX scripts. These scripts are maintained within the WhereScape RED environment and can be scheduled to run in their host environments.


This object type defines database indexes used to improve the access times on any of the table object types. (i.e. Load, Stage, Dimension, Fact, Kpi Fact and Aggregate).


Export objects are used to manage exports from the data repository. In essence, exports are the reverse of Load tables, taking data from a table to a flat file.


Retros are used to load predefined data models from modeling tools and to retrofit existing tables into the WhereScape RED metadata.

Retro Copy

Retros can be used to copy data from an existing data warehouse into WhereScape RED metadata. Retros can be set as Retro Copy objects to enable data transfer from the existing data warehouse to the new data warehouse.


Template objects are used to generate DDL, update/custom procedures, and host scripts. Once a template has been created it can be associated with a table and an operation on that table. The template is then used to generate the script used for the associated operation. Each template is assigned a type and a target database, these properties are used to assist with filtering when associating table operations to templates. Utility-type templates can contain common code for use by other templates.|


A Hub is a table of unique business keys, they usually contain a hash key, business key(s), load date, and record source. Hubs should normally have at least one Satellite.


Links are many-to-many tables representing current and past relationships between two or more Hub entities and are used to describe associations, transactions, hierarchies, and redefinitions of Hub entities in a Data Vault. Links have their hash key and the hash keys for the Hubs that are linked, as well as a Load Date and Record Source. The attributes describing the context of a link are stored in Satellite Tables.


Satellites are Data Vault objects that contain metadata that provides context for Hub and Link entities at a given time or over some time. Each Satellite entity can contain information on one Hub or Link. Satellite tables contain a hash key for the parent Hub or Link, a timestamp for the date of change, and relevant descriptive fields. Satellites are usually created once per source system. Because descriptive attributes can change at different rates, Satellites can also be created based on the rate of change.

Source Mapping

Source mapping objects can be defined for several table object types, for example, Stage tables, Hubs, Links, and Satellites. They enable these target tables to be sourced from more than one set of source tables. Source mapping objects don't result in data warehouse tables but contain source table and column information metadata, including any transformations and join criteria. This metadata is used to generate a procedure or script to populate the target table. Source mapping objects support more than one insert/update routine from different sources to be defined for the target table, and either executed collectively or independently. Refer to Multi Source Processing for details.

Scheduler Jobs

The Scheduler Jobs object group lists all the jobs that have been defined in WhereScape RED. Jobs, such as data loads and updates can be run in background mode and/or at a pre-determined time, using the RED Scheduler. Jobs can be added or removed from a project. Refer to Scheduler for details


The Parameters object group lists all the parameters that have been defined in WhereScape RED. Parameters are a means of passing information between two or more procedures and between the WhereScape RED environment and procedures. Parameters can be added or removed from a project. Refer to Parameters for details

Custom1/ Custom2

Custom1 and Custom2 objects are user-defined objects. These Object Types can be renamed in the Tools > Options > Object Types > Object Names menu.

Connections are normally the first objects created. These connections are then used in the creation of Load tables through the drag-and-drop functionality. Subsequent objects can also be created through the use of drag and drop.

Although the object types have names that correspond with their primary usage, they can be used for other purposes. For example, the Fact object type could be used to create persistent Stage tables, if required.

Some objects are not supported by all databases, and some advanced properties are specific to the different databases.