This topic describes how to configure and use Extensible Source Connections. This connection type enables any data source type to be browsed and ingested into your data warehouse, as long as your sources have Windows scriptable APIs or command-line tools available or both. Examples of source types made available by this feature are REST/SOAP Services, JDBC, Cloud-Based Storage, JSON/XML/Avro, and many more.
Before you can create an Extensible Source Connection you must first have setup:
Additionally, you would need a Load Template that works with your Extensible Source Connection and its configured field metadata to load data into your data warehouse from that source. Please see UI Configurations section for more information on accessing the configured field metadata through Templates and Scripts.
For detailed information on the prerequisites involved please review the following sections:
RED provides examples for each of the prerequisites above that all form a working example of an SQL ODBC connection utilizing these features. Please follow the instructions here to create each of the examples to build the set.
Optionally you can setup a Column UI Configuration on your target connection properties. Review the UI Configurations section for more details. |
After you set the prerequisites described above, add a new Extensible Source Connection by following these steps:
The fields presented in the Connection Properties screen below depend on the connection, see below the available options when selecting a UI Configuration connection:
The Configure Source Connection Properties window has the following fields:
Options | Description |
Connection Name | Name used to label the connections within WhereScape RED. |
Connection Type | All available Connection UI Configurations will appear in this list in addition to the existing connection types. |
Connection Browse Script | Lists all the Windows Host Scripts in the metadata. |
Script Connection | Lists all the Windows connections in the metadata. |
Load Table UI Configuration | Lists all the Load UI Configurations in the metadata. |
Options | Description |
New Table Default Load Type | Only 'Script-based load' or 'Externally loaded' are available to Extensible Source Connections. |
New Table Default Load Script Connection | The default Script Connection to use when a Script-based load type is defined for a Load table object that is sourced from this connection. |
New Table Default Load Script Template | The default Script Template to use when a Script-based load type is defined for a Load table object that is sourced from this connection. |
Data Type Mapping Set | Mapping Set to use when converting from a source database data type to a destination database data type. Setting this field to (Default) makes RED automatically select the relevant mapping set, otherwise, you can choose one of the standard mapping sets from the drop-down list or create a new set. |
The Text Box Fields, List View Fields, and Numeric Fields displayed in the screenshot are field configurations taken from the examples found in Field Configuration JSON.
The Column UI Configuration selection is only available on Target Enabled Connections and not Extensible Source Connections. For more information, review Connection Target Settings.
To load Load Tables which were created from an Extensible Source Connection you need to develop a load template that has logic in it to work with that connection type.
WhereScape provided Enablement Packs containing Extensible Source Connections will also have the relevant load templates to match. This section briefly explains how to determine the Connection Type from load templates so that you can generate the correct routine to load the table.
The Name of your Connection Properties UI Configuration is used as the Connection Type, so it is important to name your UI Configurations meaningfully.
Here is a pebble template macro to output the Connection Type as a string:
{% macro GetConnectionType(con = table.loadInfo.sourceConnection) %} {%- fetch con -%} {%- if con.connectionPropertiesConfig is defined -%} {{ con.connectionPropertiesConfig }} {%- else -%} {{ }} {%- endif -%} {% endmacro %} |
To use this macro to set a variable in PowerShell syntax:
$sourceConnectionType=’{{ GetConnectionType() }}’ |
To use this macro in a pebble template conditional block:
{% if GetConnectionType() | trim == "ODBC" %} # add your ODBC specific code here {% endif %} |
Note that there are shortcuts to these items in the table.loadinfo node but the macro provided above is generic and suitable for any routine generation context. The equivalent pebble template shortcuts available to Load Table routine generation are:
{{ }} {{ table.loadInfo.sourceConnectionPropertiesConfig }} |
This section steps through creating the example Extensible Source Connection set which provides the prerequisites mentioned earlier. The example set was designed to browse an SQL Server ODBC DSN but can be easily adapted to other ODBC based DSN’s also.
Follow these steps to create the example SQL Server ODBC Extensible Source Connection prerequisites:
Review Browse Scripts for more information on Output JSON mapping and the Scripted Browse Workflow, |