The relevant client software for each database type must be installed on each machine you want to export to.

The simplest way to create an export object is to use theĀ drag-and-drop functionality of WhereScape RED.
Creating an Export:

  1. Browse to the Datawarehouse connection (Browse > Source Tables).
  2. Create a drop target by double-clicking on the Export object group in the left pane. The middle pane should have a column heading of Export Objects for the leftmost column.
  3. Select a table or view in the right pane and drag it into the middle pane. Drop the table or view anywhere in the middle pane. The following dialog appears:

  4. If the export object needs to be renamed, rename it and then click ADD.

    The Properties window appears.

  5. Select the Connection that you want to perform the export from the Connection drop-down list. In this example, the Connection is Windows.

  6. Click the File Attributes tab and fill in the fields as described in the next section.
  7. Finally, run the export by right-clicking it and selecting Export.