
Table NameDatabase-compliant name of the table that contains the column. [Read-only].
Column Name

Database-compliant name of the column. Typically column-naming standards exclude the use of spaces etc. A good practice is to only use alphanumerics and the underscore character. Changing this field alters the table's definition.

A case conversion button on the right converts the text between different cases: UPPER CASE, Capitalized Case, and lower case. The mode cycles to the next case in the sequence of each conversion.

Business Display Name

Name that the business uses refers to the column, which is included in the RED-generated documentation and can be used in the end-user layer of other tools. [Does NOT affect the physical database table]. As such it is a free-form entry and any characters are valid.

A case conversion button on the right converts the text between different cases: UPPER CASE, Capitalized Case and lower case. The mode cycles to the next case in the sequence of each conversion.

Column DescriptionThis field contains the description for the column. It may be a description from a business user's point of view. This field might additionally contain information on where and how the column was acquired. For example, if the column is sourced from multiple tables or is a composite or derived column then this definition would normally describe the process used to populate the column. This field is used in the documentation and is available via the view ws_admin_v_dim_col . This field is also stored as a comment against the column in the database.

Physical Definition

Column OrderNumeric value that controls the relative order of columns in the database create statement. The lowest-numbered column will appear first in the table. Although this affects the physical table definition no action will be taken unless the table is re-created in the database. The columns can be re-numbered based on the existing order by choosing the Respace Order Number pop-up menu option when positioned over any column in the table. This action will number the columns in increments of 10 starting at 10. In addition to a simple change of the order field, the column order can be changed by first displaying the columns in the middle pane and then using drag and drop to move the columns around. This drag-and-drop process will automatically renumber the columns as required.
Data TypeDatabase-compliant data type that must be valid for the target database. For SQL Server common types are integer, numeric, varchar(), and datetime. Refer to the database documentation for a description of the data types available. Changing this field alters the table's definition.

Meta Definition

FormatNot relevant for Export Objects.
NumericNot relevant for Export Objects.
AdditiveNot relevant for Export Objects.
AttributeNot relevant for Export Objects.

Source Details

Source TableIdentifies the source table where the column's data comes from. This source table is normally a stage table within the data warehouse. If the column was sourced from multiple tables, then the normal practice is to record one of the tables in this field and a comment listing all of the other tables in the Source Strategy field. This field is used when generating a procedure to update the fact table. It is also used in the track back diagrams and in the documentation.
Source ColumnIdentifies the source column where the column's data comes from. Such a column is normally a stage table column, which in turn may have been a transformation or the combination of multiple columns. This may also be a dimensional key where a dimension is being joined.
TransformationTransformation. [Read-only].