An example below shows the transformation Properties screen with a simple transformation:

The two special update keys allow you to update the column and step either forward or backward to the next column's properties. ALT-Left Arrow and ALT-Right Arrow can also be used instead of the two special update keys.



Function SQL Text Window

The Function SQL Text Window contains the SQL used in the transformation. It can be directly entered and built up using the Function Builder and Add buttons or a combination of both.

Function Builder

The Function Builder contains a list of standard database functions, operators, user-defined functions, all columns belonging to all source tables, and parameters defined in the metadata repository.

  • Expanding the Function Heading displays the Function Groups (Number, String, Data, Conversion, etc.) and the Re-usable Function Heading. Similarly, expanding the other headings displays the Available Source Columns or Parameters.
  • Each function group, source column or parameter can in turn be expanded to show individual Functions , Source Columns, and Parameters.
  • Double-clicking on a function adds the Function Model to the Function SQL Text Window. The first variable (almost always the source column) is left highlighted in the Function SQL Text Window. You can insert additional Functions, Source Columns or Parameters in the correct place within the Function SQL Text Window by double-clicking them from the Function Builderpane.

Target Paste Button

The Target Paste button adds the current column in the form ColumnName to the Function SQL Text Window at the location of the cursor.

Source Paste Button

The Source Paste button adds the source table and column in the form TableName.ColumnName to the Function SQL Text Window at the location of the cursor.

Transform Stage

Only visible on Load table column transformations. Refer to Load Table Column Transformations for details.

Function Set

This drop-down list enables the user to select which set of functions are to be displayed in the tree view when creating a transformation on a column of a table.

Update Buttons

The Update Buttons: Update <- and Update -> are used to move from the current column to the previous and next columns respectively in the current table. The alternative is to exit the Column Transformation Properties, choose the next column, re-enter the Column Properties, and choose the Transformation tab.

Function Syntax

The syntax guide for the Function, is visible when you click on the function. Essentially the same as the Function model; loaded into the Function SQL Text Window when you click on the function. Read only.

Function Desc

The description of the Function is visible when the function is clicked. Read only.

Function Model

The model (template SQL code) for Re-usable Transformations. This is only visible for Re-usable Transformations. Read only.

Localize Transformation

The Localize transformation button breaks the link between a column transformation and the Re-usable Transformation it is based on. If this button is clicked, changes to the underlying re-usable transformation cannot be automatically propagated to the column transformation. This is only visible for Re-usable Transformations.