WhereScape RED has a Procedure object group for database stored procedures and a Script object group for host system scripts, such as UNIX shell scripts, Windows batch, PowerShell, Python, and user-defined host script languages.


WhereScape RED generates the bulk of the procedures via templates for supported Enablement Pack Platforms during a data warehouse build, these templates can be customized as required. Generated procedures can then be modified to meet specific requirements. The procedure object group refers to the concept of database-stored procedures. Specific objects may be functions, procedures, or SQL Blocks. 

Procedure objects in RED are only able to be executed via Action Processing Scripts. Procedure objects of type Procedure and Function must have been compiled before they can be run. The SQL Block subtype does not require compilation.


Host scripts are generated either manually or via templates. Most Target Enablement Packs provide a rich set of templates for data warehouse operations that automate the generation of either PowerShell or Python scripts for all object types and supported sources. Scripts can also be created manually provided the rules for their inclusion into the scheduling process are followed.

This chapter covers the generation, editing, and compilation of procedures, as well as the generation, editing, and testing of host scripts as well as explaining the components required to allow host scripts to work in the scheduler environment.