Procedures are normally stored in the WhereScape RED metadata tables. When a procedure is opened within WhereScape RED then the data is retrieved from the meta tables. Likewise, when the procedure is saved, it overwrites the existing data in the meta tables.
When a procedure is compiled, it is also written to the database system tables.
Loading data
As mentioned above when a procedure is opened for editing the information stored in the metadata is loaded. Additional text can be loaded into the procedure edit window by selecting the File > Insert from File menu option which allows the browsing and inserting of a PC-based file. Also, paste buffer data can be inserted in the normal manner. In the previous 'Editing' section the viewer window was discussed. This window can also be a source of data via cut and paste.
Saving the Procedure
The default File > Save Procedure menu option overwrites the existing procedure in the metadata. In addition, a procedure can be saved to a Windows disk by selecting the File > Write procedure to disk menu option. All procedures can be written to disk from the main Builder menu option Backup > Save procedures to disk. This option allows the selection of a directory. The procedures are then written individually into that directory
Multiple versions of a procedure can be stored. Once a version is created that version may be read but may not be updated. Only the current procedure can be edited. There are several ways of creating a version of a procedure. These are:

  1. By setting Auto-Version before Procedure Compile under Tools > Options > Versioning. If set to true, a new version of a procedure will be created whenever the procedure is compiled.
  2. The Procedure Editor menu option File > Save and Version will save a procedure and create a version at the same time.
  3. By selecting the Version Control > New Version menu option from the right-click context menu of a procedure in the main Builder window.
  4. By selecting the Tools > Version Objects menu option.

When a version is created via method (2) or (3) above the following screen appears, to enable the definition of the version. If an auto version is created, then the person creating the version is recorded along with the reason for the version. (e.g. Version on compile, Version on procedure delete)