An API Outline Template is available to output all object properties relevant to the current object. Upon evaluation of this template, the status of each property is generated and printed to the script or procedure file.

Template evaluation usually generates a script or procedure file, but the API Outline Template generates plain text. The output of this template is intended to be viewed or copied to a text file, it cannot be executed as a script.

To evaluate an API Outline Template:

  1. Create a new template. The template can normally be of any type, but in this example we'll use the DDL template type as viewing the evaluation of DDL templates is simple.
    Set Target DB to your source connection database type. In this example, we will set the Target DB to SQL Server because the load table we are evaluating is stored on a SQL Server connection.

  2. Open the template in the Template Editor.

  3. Click Tools > Create API Example Outline. The API Example Outline text is added to the blank template.

  4. Save and close the template.
  5. Open the Properties dialog for the Load Table you wish to evaluate.
  6. In the Storage tab, select the template you created in the Create DDL Template drop-down box.

  7. Open the Override Create DDL tab. If the Override DDL field is populated with a custom DDL statement, copy and paste this statement to a text file for backup purposes.
  8. Click the Derive DDL button. A warning dialog box displays informing you that the association of the DDL template with this table will be saved to the metadata, click OK.

  9. The results of the API Outline Template are printed to the Override DDL text box. Cut or copy this text to a text editor and save as a text file for reference purposes.

  10. Click Cancel in the Load Table Properties dialog.

Ensure the Load table properties are returned to their previous state. The default value for Storage > Create DDL Template is None and the Override Create DDL > Override DDL field is left blank to use the automatically generated DDL statement or ensure your custom DDL statement remains.