Six types of diagrams are provided to give a visual representation of what has been created. These are

  1. To display the Diagram Selection window, click the New Diagram button from the toolbar.

  2. Choose the object to diagram by optionally choosing the Type to limit the selection list; and then selecting the Object. The diagram-type buttons on the right become active and you can choose the type of diagram to display.

    Projects or Groups that have been flagged as inactive are not displayed/available from the Group and Project drop-down lists. Refer to Maintaining Group/Project Active Flag for details. 

Schema Diagram

A star schema diagram can be displayed for a fact table, an aggregate table, and an OLAP cube. It shows the central table with the outlying dimensions.
An example of a Schema diagram in Standard Diagram format is displayed below.

An example of a Schema diagram in Detail Diagram format is displayed below.

The star schema diagrams are produced in Standard Diagram format as part of the user and technical documentation when you select Doc > Create Documentation from the main Builder window.

Source Diagram

A source tracking diagram can be displayed for any table. It shows connections back from the chosen table to the source tables from which information was derived. Hovering the cursor over a line shows additional information. For lines going into Load tables, the source of the data is displayed; while for other lines in the diagram, the procedure used to move data between two tables is displayed. 
An example of a Source diagram in Standard Diagram format is displayed below.

An example of a Source diagram in Detail Diagram format is displayed below.

The Source diagrams are produced in Standard Diagram format as part of the technical documentation when you select Doc > Create Documentation from the main Builder window.

Creating a Job from a Source Diagram

Once a source tracking diagram has been created for a table, a scheduler job can be generated from the diagram. This job will be called Process_to_table_name, where table_name is the name of the table the track back diagram was run for.
To create a Job, select Create Job from the Tools menu after the diagram is displayed:

The Job Definition is then displayed:

Make any changes here that are required and click OK.
For the diagram above, a job is created with the following tasks:

It is also possible to display the source diagram by right-clicking a table and choosing Impact >Track Back Diagram:

Joins Diagram

A data join trackback diagram can be displayed for any table. It shows connections back from the chosen table to the source tables from which information was derived and includes Dimension table joins. Hovering the cursor over a line shows additional information. For lines going into Load tables, the source of the data is displayed; while for other lines in the diagram, the procedure used to move data between two tables is displayed.
An example of a Joins diagram in Standard Diagram format is displayed below.


Links Diagram

A linked tables diagram can be shown for any table. It shows relationships between tables, looking out from the chosen table a selected number of hops. The number of hops is determined by table relationships and source and target relationships.
An example of a linked tables diagram in Standard Diagram format is displayed below.


Impact Diagram

A track-forward impact diagram can be displayed for any table. It shows connections forward from the chosen table to the subsequent tables built with columns from this table.
A trackback impact diagram can be displayed for any table. It shows connections backward from the chosen table to the previous tables.
An example of an Impact diagram in Standard Diagram format is displayed below.

It is also possible to display the track back / forward diagram by right-clicking a table and choosing Impact > Track Back Diagram or Impact > Track Forward Diagram:

Dependency Diagram

A job dependency diagram can be displayed for any job defined in the WhereScape RED Scheduler. It shows the parent and child relationships between tasks within a job.
An example of a Dependency diagram in Standard Diagram format is displayed below.

Editing a Job's Dependencies from a Job Dependency diagram

Once a Job Dependency diagram has been created for a job, its dependencies can be edited by selecting Launch Dependency Editor from the Tools menu:

The Dependencies window enables you to edit the dependencies within a job: