WhereScape RED provides an application deployment tool that enables you to create and deploy applications as a means to move metadata objects between repositories, e.g. from your development environment to your testing or production environment.
RED enables you to build an application that consists of different groups of table objects, available from an existing repository that you can then deploy to another repository to upgrade or provide patches to existing metadata. As such, an application can be used to distribute and remotely maintain a specific data warehousing solution.
The RED Deployments tool is used as a method of creating and loading objects into a metadata repository. The tool generates a series of Windows files (based on the application definition and objects selected) which can then be promoted to remote sites, as a means to manage a data warehousing environment that utilizes multiple metadata repositories.
Launch this tool by selecting Deployments from the toolbar menu:
The stand-alone application (RedDeploy.exe) can also be run from the RED Windows Installation directory.
The succeeding sections describe the steps for using the RED Application Deployment tool.
The REDCLI command line interface also enables you to create, deploy and manage RED applications. Refer to the REDCLI section of the RED User Guide for details. |