The new Validate Against DB functionality works in the following stages:
Stage | Operations | Configuration |
Validate |
| Table/column information SQL Block Procedure. Configured on the Target Connection. |
Alter |
| Alter DDL Template. Configured the Table. The default is configured on the Target connection. |
The Create DDL for the table to be validated/altered MUST use any of the following tokens to refer to the name of the table: $OBJECT$, $TABLE$ or [TABLEOWNER].[table_name
Without these tokens, the temporary "expected" table cannot created reliably as only these tokens can be replaced with temporary table names for the temporary table creation.
The Drop Table DDL statement MUST use any of the following tokens to refer to the name of the table: $OBJECT$, $TABLE$
. Otherwise, the dropping of the temporary table after the validation process may drop the actual data warehouse table.
These are some of the characteristics that this procedure needs to be created:
Columm | Type | Description |
1 | VARCHAR(128) | catalog |
2 | VARCHAR(128) | schema |
3 | VARCHAR(128) | table name |
4 + (i * 3) | VARCHAR(128) | additional information key |
5 + (i * 3) | VARCHAR(128) | additional information description |
6 + (i * 3) | VARCHAR(128) | additional information value |
Where i ranges from 0 to the number of additional information keys are exclusive.
Columm | Type | Description |
1 | VARCHAR(128) | catalog |
2 | VARCHAR(128) | schema |
3 | VARCHAR(128) | table name |
4 | INTEGER | ordinal position |
5 | VARCHAR(128) | column name |
6 | VARCHAR(128) | data type |
7 + (i * 3) | VARCHAR(128) | additional information key |
8 + (i * 3) | VARCHAR(4000) | additional information description |
9+ (i * 3) | VARCHAR(128) | additional information value |
Where i ranges from 0 to the number of additional information keys are exclusive.
The following example uses the standard information_schema
views. It is also the default if nothing is configured
SELECT table_catalog, table_schema, table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE UPPER(table_catalog) = UPPER('$DATABASE$') AND UPPER(table_schema) = UPPER('$SCHEMA$') AND UPPER(table_name) = UPPER('$TABLE$') ORDER BY table_catalog, table_schema, table_name <EOS> SELECT table_catalog, table_schema, table_name, ordinal_position, column_name, CONCAT(data_type, CASE WHEN COALESCE(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, datetime_precision) IS NOT NULL THEN CONCAT('(', CONCAT(CAST(COALESCE(character_maximum_length, numeric_precision, datetime_precision) AS VARCHAR(20)), CONCAT(CASE WHEN numeric_scale IS NOT NULL THEN CONCAT(', ', CAST(numeric_scale AS VARCHAR(20))) ELSE '' END, ')'))) ELSE '' END) data_type, 'COLUMN_DEFAULT', 'Default Value', column_default, 'NULLABLE', 'Nullable', is_nullable FROM information_schema.columns WHERE UPPER(table_catalog) = UPPER('$DATABASE$') AND UPPER(table_schema) = UPPER('$SCHEMA$') AND UPPER(table_name) = UPPER('$TABLE$') ORDER BY table_catalog, table_schema, table_name, ordinal_position |
In addition, the following variables are available:
Variable | Description |
changes | An array of objects describing how the actual table is different from the expected table. Each element has type Change. |
actualTable | An object containing the table/column information obtained for the actual table. Has type TableInformation. |
Field | Description |
changeType | One of the enum values in Types. ChangeType; determines the type of the object under data. |
data | An object containing the details of the specific change; the type depends on the value of changeType. |
Change type | Description | Fields in data | ||||||||||
Types.ChangeType.TableCreation | Indicates that the actual table does not exist. | (none) | ||||||||||
Types.ChangeType.TableAdditionalInformationChange | Indicates that one of the additional information fields returned by the Table Information statement differs. |
| ||||||||||
Types.ChangeType.ColumnOrderChange | Indicates that the columns differ only in their order. | (none) | ||||||||||
Types.ChangeType.ColumnAddition | Indicates that one of the columns in the expected table is not present in the actual table. |
| ||||||||||
Types.ChangeType.ColumnDeletion | Indicates that one of the columns in the actual table is not present in the expected table. |
| ||||||||||
Types.ChangeType.ColumnNameChange | Indicates that the name of one of the columns differs. |
| ||||||||||
Types.ChangeType.ColumnDataTypeChange | Indicates that the data type of one of the columns differs. |
| ||||||||||
Types.ChangeType.ColumnAdditionalInformationChange | Indicates that one of the additional information fields returned by the Column Information statement differs for one column. |
Variable | Description |
catalog | name of the catalog containing the table |
schema | name of the schema containing the table |
name | name of the table |
additionalInformation | array of AdditionalInformation objects |
columns | array of ColumnInformation objects |
Variable | Description |
name | name of the column |
dataType | data type of the column |
additionalInformation | array of AdditionalInformation objects |
Variable | Description |
key | additional information "key" |
description | additional information "description" |
value | additional information "value" |