To add a relationship, right-click on the object in the Object Pane and select Relationships > Add Relationships. The following window is displayed.

For each object in the relationship, type in the following details:



Join Type

For the Join Type, choose between the following:

  • Undefined
  • Many to One
  • One to One
  • One to Many
  • Many to Many

Primary Join

If this is a primary join, select the Primary Join checkbox. For MSAS Tabular tables this defines an active relationship. At most, one relationship between two specific tables can have this enabled.

Object Type

Enter the Object Type from the drop-down box (Data Store, Load table, Stage table, etc.).


Enter the name of the object in the relationship.


Enter the Column to join in each object.

Once you have entered the details for the join, the joined columns are displayed in the list of Joins at the bottom of the screen. Erroneous joins can be removed by right-clicking the join and selecting Remove Join. All joins can be removed by clicking the Reset button.
To add all the relationships shown in the list of Joins, click the Add button.