The Extended Properties Maintenance screen displays a list of existing extended property definitions and enables you to add a New extended property definition. Clicking an extended property definition from the list enables you to Copy, Edit or Delete the selected extended property.
In addition, you can change the position of a selected extended property definition by moving it Up or Down within the list to specify a preferred order or grouping arrangement, when the extended property definitions are displayed in the Connection or Table properties screens. The display order has no impact upon the operation.

The following describe the elements of the Extended Properties Maintenance screen.

Extended Property 

This pane lists the extended property definitions that have been setup in RED. It details the display and variable name and indicates if the value of the extended property is masked, when displayed in the Connection or Table properties.

Function Buttons

These buttons enable you to create and manage the extended property definitions.




Launches the Extended Property Definition screen which enables you to create a new variable and specify the subset of database types and objects that will have access to the variable. Refer to Creating an Extended Property Definition for details.


Duplicates the selected extended property and adds a _Copy1 suffix to the Display Name and Property Name. All fields are populated with the values of the original extended property. These can be edited as required.


Launches the Extended Property Definition screen which enables you to edit the selected extended property.


Deletes the selected extended property, if it is not currently in use. The user is warned if it is in use and asked to confirm or cancel the delete action.

Move Up/Move Down

Moves the selected extended property Up or Down the list. The display order of the extended property has no impact on its use.

  • If an extended property is deleted, both the definition and all corresponding value assignments are deleted from the meta data repository. It is removed from the Extended Properties settings of the Connection or Table object Properties screen.
  • If an extended property definition variable name is changed, the change is applied in the Extended Properties settings of the Connection or Table object Properties screen and its corresponding value assignment is retained. 
  • If an extended property definition scope is changed, its variable and corresponding value assignments are not deleted from the meta data repository. It is hidden from the Extended Properties settings of the Connection or Table object Properties screen. For example, an extended property variable has the Load object type set as in-scope and a corresponding value assignment has also been set in the Extended Properties setting in the Table Properties screen. If the extended property definition is edited to remove the Load object type from its scope, then the value assignment is not removed but becomes inactive and RED displays a warning that the scope change impacts a value assignment.