Host Script Language definitions consist of the following:
Property | Description |
Name | The name for the host script language, as displayed in the drop-down fields for selecting the script type (e.g. Type field in the Host Script and Template Properties screens—see Applying Host Script Languages). This name must be consistent and match across repositories, to preserve the associations with the host script language when deploying applications. |
Description | The description of the host script language is for display purposes only. |
File Extension | The file extension used when the scripts are written to files, for example, py for Python script files. If this is left blank, the generated files will have no extension. |
Command | The command to execute a script in the defined language. The token $SCRIPT_NAME$ is replaced with the full path and file name of the script file to execute. The substituted command is used as the arguments for the PowerShell call operator (&). For example, "C:\Program Files\Python37\python.exe" "$SCRIPT_NAME$".The defined path must be valid for all RED clients and schedulers that are required to execute scripts for the defined host script language. |
Icon | The icon that identifies the host script language. |
Category | The category of the script, you can choose between Script or Workflow. The default value is Script. |
These user defined host script languages can be created and managed, using the Host Script Languages facility which is launched from the Tools menu.
The following options are available: