The IDERA SQL Compliance Manager Cluster Configuration Console window lets you install and configure the SQL Compliance Manager Agent Service on a cluster node that hosts the virtual SQL Server you want to audit. The cluster node is the physical computer on which you are running the Cluster Configuration Console. When you installed the Cluster Configuration Console, the setup program also installed the SQL Compliance Manager Agent.
Add Service
Allows you to install and configure the SQL Compliance Manager Agent Service on this cluster node. When you install the service, you specify which virtual SQL Server will be audited by this service and configure the trace directory folder and service account credentials.
Allows you to view a subset of properties for the SQL Compliance Manager Agent Service that is auditing the selected virtual SQL Server. To view all properties of the SQL Compliance Manager Agent installed on this cluster node, use the Management Console.
Remove Service
Allows you to uninstall the SQL Compliance Manager Agent Service from this cluster node.
SQL Compliance Manager Agent Version
Provides the version number of the SQL Compliance Manager Agent installed on this cluster node.