This document provides troubleshooting steps for different issues related to Azkaban and the RED Scheduler.
The below python script can be used to run a job against an Azkaban Executor that outputs diagnostic information and tests ODBC connectivity, useful for debugging and also for providing to support for analysis:
# wsl_scheduler_diagnostics script, version 3 for RED 10.3+ import json import os import subprocess import sys import traceback import pyodbc import re debugModeExt = "TRUE" interactiveLog = '' if debugModeExt == 'TRUE': debugMode = True else: debugMode = False def write_audit(message = '', logType = 'audit', statusCode = 'I'): # statusCodes 'E' = error, 'W' Warning, 'I' information, 'S' Success global interactiveLog if is_red_interactive(): interactiveLog = '\n'.join([interactiveLog, message]) else: outputJson = json.dumps({"type": logType, "message": message, "statusCode": statusCode}) print(outputJson, flush=True) def write_error(message = ''): write_audit(message, 'audit', 'E') def write_detail(message = '', statusCode = 'I'): if debugMode: write_audit(message, 'detail', statusCode) def write_result(message = '', statusCode = 'S'): write_audit(message, 'result', statusCode) def is_red_interactive(): if os.environ.get('WSL_JOB_KEY','') == '0' and os.environ.get('WSL_JOB_NAME','') == 'Develop': return True else: return False def exit_script(exitCode = 0, message = 'Executed the script'): if is_red_interactive(): if exitCode != 0: print(-2, flush=True) else: print(1, flush=True) print(message, flush=True) print(interactiveLog, flush=True) sys.exit(0) else: if exitCode != 0: write_result(message,'E') else: write_result(message,'S') sys.exit(exitCode) def ExecuteSQLBlock( block = 'SELECT 1', uid = str(os.environ.get('WSL_TGT_USER','')), pwd = str(os.environ.get('WSL_TGT_PWD','')), dsn = str(os.environ.get('WSL_TGT_DSN','')), conString = str(os.environ.get('WSL_TGT_CONSTRING','')) ): if block.isspace() or block == "": return True try: if conString == "": conString = "DSN=" + dsn if uid and not uid.isspace(): conString += ";UID="+uid if pwd and not pwd.isspace(): conString += ";PWD="+pwd if pwd and not pwd.isspace(): conStringPwdsRemoved = re.sub(str(pwd),'*****',conString) else: conStringPwdsRemoved = conString write_audit('Connecting to: ' + conStringPwdsRemoved) odbcCon = pyodbc.connect(conString, autocommit=True) conCursor = odbcCon.cursor() try: result = conCursor.execute(block) except pyodbc.ProgrammingError as e: if str(e) == 'No results. Previous SQL was not a query.': return True else: write_error(f"SQL error: {e}") raise e conCursor.close() return True except Exception as exceptionError: write_error(f"SQL error or connection error has occurred: " + repr(exceptionError)) return False def ExecuteCommand (command = 'echo test'): env = dict(os.environ) result =, shell=True, env=env, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, text=True) return_code = result.returncode if result.returncode < 2**31 else result.returncode - 2**32 if result.stderr != "" or str(return_code) != "0": if result.stderr != "": write_error(str(result.stderr)) raise Exception(f"Error occurred while executing the command {command}") if result.stdout != "": write_audit(str(result.stdout)) # Main try: exitCode = 0 # Meta test msg = 'Metadata connection test: ' if ExecuteSQLBlock(block = 'SELECT 1',uid = str(os.environ.get('WSL_META_USER','')),pwd = str(os.environ.get('WSL_META_PWD','')),dsn = str(os.environ.get('WSL_META_DSN','')),conString = str(os.environ.get('WSL_META_CONSTRING',''))): res = 'PASSED' else: res = 'FAILED' write_audit(msg + res) # Target test if os.environ.get('WSL_TGT_CONSTRING','') != "": msg = 'Target connection test: ' if ExecuteSQLBlock(block = 'SELECT 1'): res = 'PASSED' else: res = 'FAILED' write_audit(msg + res) # Source test if os.environ.get('WSL_SRC_CONSTRING','') != "": msg = 'Source connection test: ' if ExecuteSQLBlock(block = 'SELECT 1',uid = str(os.environ.get('WSL_SRC_USER','')),pwd = str(os.environ.get('WSL_SRC_PWD','')),dsn = str(os.environ.get('WSL_SRC_DSN','')), conString = str(os.environ.get('WSL_SRC_CONSTRING',''))): res = 'PASSED' else: res = 'FAILED' write_audit(msg + res) # Get azkabanLocalProps = {'azkaban.passwordEncryption' : 'NONE'} if os.environ.get('JOB_PROP_FILE','') != "": jobPropFile = os.environ["JOB_PROP_FILE"] splitPoint = jobPropFile.find(r'..') azkabanLocPropFile = os.path.join(str(jobPropFile[:splitPoint]), '../') with open(azkabanLocPropFile, 'r') as f: for line in f: line = line.rstrip() #removes trailing whitespace and '\n' chars if "=" not in line: continue #skips blanks and comments w/o = if line.startswith("#"): continue #skips comments which contain = k, v = line.split("=", 1) azkabanLocalProps[k] = v azkabanExecutorLocation = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(azkabanLocPropFile, os.pardir)) write_audit(f"------ Executor location \n{azkabanExecutorLocation}") write_audit(f"------ Executor properties passwordEncryption \n{azkabanLocalProps['azkaban.passwordEncryption']}") if == 'nt': # Windows tests write_audit(f"------ Script directory") write_audit(str(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))) cmds = { 'Work directory WSL_WORKDIR': "echo %WSL_WORKDIR%", 'Windows User': 'echo %USERNAME%', 'Python version': 'python --version' } else: # Linux tests cmds = { 'Script dir': 'echo $PWD', 'Work directory WSL_WORKDIR': "printf '%s\n' $WSL_WORKDIR", 'Linux User': 'echo $USER', 'User DSNs': 'odbcinst -q -s -h', 'System DSNs': 'odbcinst -q -s -l', 'Java version': 'java --version', 'Python version': 'python --version', # comment out this item if your passwords are in plain text in the properties file # 'Executor properties': 'cat ${JOB_PROP_FILE%..*}../', 'List Azkaban Processes': 'ps -ef | grep azkaban' } if azkabanLocalProps['azkaban.passwordEncryption'] == 'WALLET': # Modify WALLET test command as required cmds['Test WALLET'] = 'pass ls' # Execute cmds for key in cmds.keys(): write_audit(f"------ {key}") try: ExecuteCommand(str(cmds[key])) except Exception as exceptionError: write_audit(f"Running test cmd [{cmds[key]}] failed: " + repr(exceptionError)) # exit exit_script(exitCode = 0, message = 'Testing script execution complete, check the audit logs for results.') except Exception as exceptionError: write_error(repr(exceptionError)) exit_script(exitCode = 1, message = 'Testing script execution failed, check error and detail logs.') |
This section provides troubleshooting steps for some issues that you could face while adding jobs.
A possible cause is the WsAzkabanWeb and WsAzkabanExec services are not running. Go to Services.msc in Windows and check if they are running. if they are not running, right click on a service and select start. Or for Linux, follow the diagnostics process mentioned in the linux scheduler installation for determining of the services are running.
In order for any tags to be retrieved you must have:
A possible cause is the WsAzkabanWeb and WsAzkabanExec services are not running. Go to Services.msc in Windows and check if they are running. if they are not running, right click on a service and select start. Or for Linux, follow the diagnostics process mentioned in the linux scheduler installation for determining of the services are running.
In order for jobs to be published you must have: