The RED scheduler can send email notifications when jobs fail or complete successfully. This section provides instructions on how to add the required configurations. 

Configuring email settings on Scheduler Installation


The Windows Scheduler installation wizard provides a configuration screen for adding all the required settings.

  1. On the Email Configuration screen, select Enable email notifications. On this section add the following information.
    Email Server
    In this field enter the mail host.
    Email Server Port
    Enter the port your email server is using.
    Sender Email 
    This will be the email address displayed as From: on the email client.
  2. Select Enable authentication and fill the required fields.
    Email Server User
    Enter the username for the account that will send notifications.
    Email Server Password
    Enter the password for the account that will send notifications. 
    Select a type of encryption

    If you don't want to use an authenticated user for sending email notifications, deselect the Enable authentication option.

  3. Verify your settings and click Next to continue with the Scheduler installation.
  4. On the Summary screen, verify your settings are correct and continue with the installation.


To add email notifications when installing the scheduler on Linux, you need to add the required settings on both the web response file and executor response files

Edit both response files, find the <emailConfig> element, and modify its child elements adding the required information.


In this element enter the mail server hostname or IP.


The port your email server is using for sending emails.


The username for the account that will send notifications. If useAuth is set to false you can leave this blank.


The password for the account that will send notifications. If you are using WALLET as password encryption, enter the string that represents the password in the WALLET, to learn more about WALLET passwords refer to the RED Scheduler Configuration section.

If useAuth is set to false you can leave this blank.


The email address displayed as From: on the email client.


Set to true if you want to use tsl encryption. Set to false if you don't want to use tsl.


Set to true if you want to authenticate the user that will send notifications. Set to false to send notifications without authentication.

Configuring email settings manually

Windows and Linux

If you didn't provide email settings during the scheduler installation, you can add them manually. You need to edit the configuration file in the WEB_SERVER and EXEC_SERVER folders, these folders are located in the Scheduler installation folder, for example c:\pathtoscheduler\WEB_SERVER in Windows and /path/to/scheduler/WEB_SERVER in Linux.

Open and change these parameters to add the email settings:


Set this parameter to true if the mail server uses TSL, otherwise leave the value as false.

In this parameter enter the mail host.


Change its value to the port your mail server uses.


In Windows, set this parameter to the encrypted password for the account that will send notifications. To learn more about encrypting the password refer to RED Scheduler Configuration and Encryption Utility.

In Linux, set this parameter to the string that represents the email password in the WALLET. To learn more about WALLET passwords refer to the RED Scheduler Configuration section.


In this parameter enter the username for the account that will send notifications.


In this parameter enter the email address used for sending notifications.


Set the value to true to enable authentication.

Once you add your configurations to in both WEB_SERVER and EXEC_SERVER, you need to restart the Azkaban Webserver and Executor.

Setting up the notification recipient

Once you have configured your email settings you also need to set up the recipient email address in RED. 

  1. Open RED, go to the Host Script node and expand it.
  2. Find and edit the wsl_scheduler_publish script.
  3. In the wsl_scheduler_publish script find the failure.emails entry.
  4. Change to the email address that will receive notifications.
  5. Save the Script.