SQL Diagnostic Manager, displays a wide variety of the most common SQL Server and Operating System performance metrics, by default. In addition to providing these common metrics, custom counters provide the ability to add additional performance metrics to the SQL Diagnostic Manager Console used for historical trending, on-demand monitoring, and schedule refresh alerting.
In the |
You can find a list of operating system counters by searching for "Windows Performance Counters" on .
You can add the following types of counters:
In addition to providing all of the above counters, you can add any additional counters contained in a new Windows or SQL Server Service Pack. This allows you the flexibility to monitor any metric that is important to your enterprise. |
To open the Custom Counters view, click Administration > Custom Counters.
To add a custom counter:
Use custom SQL scripts to monitor metrics not connected to the system or SQL counters, under-utilized SQL 2005 DMVs, or metrics that are very specific to your environment, such as row count for a production table.
SQL Diagnostic Manager does not scrub custom SQL batches for SQL Injection protection. Use caution when entering custom SQL scripts as it is an advanced feature. The go command is not a Transact-SQL statement and you cannot use this command in custom SQL batches. The go command is a batch separator for Management Studio, Query Analyzer, sqlcmb, and osql. |
Custom counters appear in the following places in the SQL Diagnostic Manager Console:
Your new custom counters appear in the Alert Configuration and the Default Alert Configuration windows in the Custom category. You can edit the alert thresholds and even decide whether you want an alert associated with the new counter.
The Server Details view lists all the metrics monitored by SQL Diagnostic Manager, including all your new custom counters. You can filter this view to display only your custom counters by selecting the Custom Counters radio button in the Filter ribbon. You can access this window by selecting details on the Server view or by double-clicking Custom Counters in the Servers tree.
SQL Diagnostic Manager provides a list of all your custom counters in the Custom Counters table on the Administration window. In addition to viewing a list of custom counters, you can add a new counter, edit a counter, delete a counter, test a counter, or link a counter to an SQL Server instance for monitoring.