SQL Diagnostic Manager allows you to customize your monitored SQL Server properties within PowerShell.

With PowerShell you can:

Edit general settings

Edit the general settings of your monitored SQL Server with the following PowerShell commands:

Associate tags to a server

Disassociate tags from a server


Schedule data collection

ScheduledCollectionIntervalMinutes -DatabaseStatisticsIntervalMinutes 

Enable extended data collection

ExtendedSessionDataCollection 1

Disable extended data collection

ExtendedSessionDataCollection 0

Set SQL Authentication credentials

Credential sa

Set Windows  Authentication credentials


Enable encrypt connection

EncryptConnection 1

Disable encrypt connection

EncryptConnection 0

Enable Trust server certificates

TrustServerCertificates 1 

Disable Trust server certificates

TrustServerCertificates 0

Edit query monitor settings

 Customize the query monitor settings of your monitor SQL Server with the following PowerShell commands:


Enable query monitoring


Disable query monitoring


Capture SQL batches

QMCaptureBatches 1

Capture SQL  statements

QMCaptureStatements 1

Capture stored procedure and triggers

QMCaptureProcs 1

Setup Threshold -Duration


Setup Threshold -Logical disk reads


Setup Threshold -CPU Usage


Setup Threshold -Physical disk writes


Exclude applications, databases and SQL text within PowerShell

 Exclude applications, databases, and SQL text with the following PowerShell commands:


Exclude applications


Exclude databases


Exclude SQL text


Disable replication collection

Disable replication statistics collection with the following PowerShell command:

ReplicationStatisticsDataCollection 0

Customize table statistics collection

 Customize table statistics collection with the following PowerShell commands: 

QTStartTime -QTDays -QTReorgMinTableSizeK -QTExcludedDatabases

Customize maintenance mode settings

Customize maintenance mode settings with the following PowerShell commands:

Maintenance mode optionsCmdlets

Until further notice


Recurring every week at the specified time

MModeStartTime -MModeDuration

Occurring once at the specified time

MMOnce -MModeStartDate -MModeEndDate

PowerShell allows you to set up several properties in one command-line. On the PowerShell window, use Set-SQLdmMonitoredInstance followed by the corresponding cmdlets of the properties you want to edit. For example, consider the properties listed below:

  • Enable Query Monitoring
  • Capture Batches
  • No capture procedures
  • Set Query duration at 200 (ms)
  • Set Logical disk reads at 20
  • Set CPU usage at 100
  • Set Physical disk writes at 10
  • Exclude Application: MyExcludedApp
  • Exclude Databases: DB1, DB2, and DB3

You can customize these settings with the following PowerShell command-line:

Set-SQLdmMonitoredInstance -Path (Escape-SQLdmName -Name QA- Name Server\Instance) -QMEnabled -QMCaptureBatches 1 –QMCaptureProc 0 -QMQueryDuration 200
-QMLogicalDiskReads 20 -QMCpuUsage 100 -QMPhysicalDiskWrites 10 -QMExcludedApps MyExcludedApp -QMExcludedDatabases DB1,DB2,DB3



SQL Diagnostic Manager identifies and resolves SQL Server performance problems before they happen. Learn more > >
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